7: B-day

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Doing Jungkook's homework has now become part of my weekly routine. Sometimes even a few days per week depending on the workload. It's mostly math, the work he gives me, but every now and then he has essays for me to type up.

I was upset at first that he wasn't paying me, but then I remembered that I haven't paid him once for watching Meonji for me. And he's been doing that for almost three months now. It balances out, so I don't mind.

I've also been avoiding Hyunjoo to the best of my ability. Rain-checks on our dates, ignoring texts, sending his calls to voicemail. It's becoming all too easy. It's like he knows that he won't be able to get a hold of me, but he tries anyway.

I worked the afternoon shift at the café today so by the time I'm ready to leave it's dark outside.

I flip off the warmly dimmed lights and lock up before leaving to my apartment.


I didn't finish Jungkook's math project.

Didn't he say it was due tomorrow? Great.

As I step onto the street of my apartment, I pick up a two-story bar in my peripherals, just on the other side of the road. Multi-colored lights flash through the windows of the second floor and a muffled rhythmic beat can be heard from where I am.

Maybe if I don't go home just yet Jungkook will just figure I had a rough night or something. One bad grade couldn't hurt right? And he can't be mad at me if I was busy.

Crossing over to the tall building, I realize how much I could use a few drinks and some partying. My stress level seems to skyrocket even further each day. I just need a break. I inhale the chilly outdoor air before entering the crowded place.

There's a ton of people in here, making it seem even larger than it is. Even the bar counter is closely surrounded. Guess I won't be drinking tonight.

It only takes a few moments of me just standing there, waiting for a spot to clear, when an arm falls relaxedly across my shoulders as if the person it belongs to and I were buddies or something. I look up at the bulky build, who also stinks of garbage and alcohol.

"Excuse me," I reprimand the scruffy and wrinkled face as I nudge his heavy arm off. With a power in my step, I retreat away as fast as possible.

The music is loud, but I can hear an aggressive shout close behind.
"Hey baby, where do you think you're going?" I feel a pull on one of my shoulders, though it may be from another person in this sea of people.

I'm about to grab some random fellow in the crowd to become my human shield until I see what looks like stairs to the next floor tucked away in the back corner of the room. 'Karaoke,' a sign beside it says. He won't find me if I can get up there soon enough.

I have to use my entire body to push away the excited dancers, hoping one of hem doesn't accidentally spill their drink on me. But finally, I get to the opening and trudge up the chipped stairway, taking deep breaths and fanning myself to cool down.

It leads to a medium sized hallway, frosty glass doors lining both walls. Oddly, only one of the doors shows a colorful array of lights, signaling that it's occupied, despite how busy downstairs is.

Curious and wanting to waste time, I peep into it. Everything is blurry due to the door's finish, but I can just barely make out subtle features of the people inside. That is, until the door swings wide open and a tall, messy haired girl waltzes out with a feisty attitude. I back up even though she still bumps my arm.

Peering further into the room, I notice another girl, she's seductively swinging her hips to the beat of the music inside, draping her arms on a man who seems to be too drunk to dance sexily.

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