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So like this chapter got deleted somehow and I was in tears because it wasn't where I left it.
  So I had to make it again R.I.P Me 🙃

   "J-Jimin." His brother gurgled out, throat choking on blood and red eyes dulling as the seconds ticked by.

Jimin's hands trembled to hold his pale face. His tears gleamed red from the flames. "N-No! You can't leave me! You can't leave me alone! I won't allow it!"

Jihyun wheezed and shot a twisted smile up at him. "It does not matter what you allow or don't. This is where I end Jimin."

  He glanced down to the Ruby Blade in his chest and yanked it out. Jimin screamed and tried to stop him, but he had already chucked it out of the way.

   The younger cradled Jihyuns head to his chest and wept. Heavy footsteps were coming from the hallway, ones the could only belong to Yoongi and his member's. The building's structure shuddered as the fire consumed it, the skeleton already giving in.

  Jimin hiccuped and took the head of his older brother. His lips touched the dying prince's sweaty forehead and were pressed to both of his eyelids.

   "I will avenge you, brother. I will! Even if the streets of this godforsaken kingdom overflow with blood, I'll do it." He hissed through his fangs, heart growing cold with every tear that leaked out.

  Jihyun clutched the nape of his neck and pulled his head down until his mouth was pressed against his ear.

  With a final ounce of force, his brother yelled over the sound of the roof falling. "Jimin-ah, don't trust anyone. Just get to the throne and don't look back. Sell your soul to the devil if you must, but don't you dare give up on what's rightfully yours!"

  As Jihyuns hand went limp, his shining orbs reflected the incoming burning ceiling. Jimin was ready for the end, anticipating it until he was dragged out of the room so fast that his shirt ripped from the force.

  A large crash was heard as Jimin was thrown over a shoulder and taken away from the sight of his brother's dead body being eaten by the fire.

  "Jihyun." The Blood prince gasped, torn out of his slumber by those chilling nightmares.

Jimin looks around, forgetting for a moment where he was before realizing the gleaming stars shining up above him.

Yoongi lays limp beside him, knocked out after feeding as always. He stares at his chest, the way it goes up and down, breathing in and out silently. The prince crawls over his sleeping body, his face having a sad expression on it as he dangles his head over the hybrid's face.

Jimin's heart hurts looking at the only person he could trust. Heart and soul, he would always confide in Yoongi.

Maybe one day, Jimin could set him free from the chain that ties him down to the Blood prince.

  But until then, his soul mate would be held back by the red string of fate.


His heart is in his throat when he whips his head up to the noise. Jimin gasps loudly, holding his chest as he stares bug-eyed at the window ceiling.

  Above him stands the most terrifyingly stunning creature: a chestnut brown wolf.

He knows its Jungkook right off the bat. The successor's honey orbs pin him to the bed board, the familiarity instant.

   The vampire crawls off of the bed as quietly as he could and bolts to the vanity. He pulls the veil and some slippers on and rushes out of the room. The same window is unlocked and it only takes a short jump before he lands outside.

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