Chapter 1 - Truth

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You laughed as you sat down, coffee in hand, with Katherine. 

"Your kidding me? John said that?" You asked, calming down a bit as you drank your coffee. Katherine nodded. 

"I know, I don't think he knows how silly it sounds. Time travel? War? It's to much but he says it happened." Kat said. You smiled. Katherine, who you called Kat for short, had been going out with this guy, John Connor, for almost two years now. They were perfect together, in every way.  

"Kat, When you and John get married, I demand to be your maid of honor." You said. Kat laughed. 

"(y/n), it's only been two years. We are only sixteen. We will see what happens in a month. If he doesn't, I will dump him." Kat said and you both laughed. Kat always made jokes like this but she would never do that. Kat was an angel for heaven. She never thought it was weird that you and your little bother were born, raised and work in your family's metal shop. You were home schooled, graduating early, and worked full time in the shop at the age fourteen, that was two years ago. 

In the shop, your little bother, was fourteen now and also graduated, would be the one to gather the metal scraps while you melted it down and your father poured it into molds. Your mother would set up contracts with company's and sell the metal to them. 

"Kat, you know your an angel right?" You asked. Kat laughed. 

"Yeah, yeah, like you have told me a million times." Kat said. You laughed a bit. 

"Yeah, but you were there for me when no one else was." You said. Kat smiled. 

"And I always will." she said and looked at her watch.

"(y/n), sorry, I have to go. John said he wants to cook dinner for me tonight. I will see you tomorrow." Kat said and stood. You waved as she left, but you stayed sitting. Kat and John lived together 

The shop was closed today to give the boils time to cool. After a half hour, you stand and walks to the empty shop. You sigh. Your mother and father were out one a day and your little bother was with friends. You were alone, like always, but you really didn't mind. 

'I hope the best for Kate and John.' You thought and hoped one day for a love like they have. You would never admit it, but you were jealous of them, well, there love anyway. You walked into the back and started to sweep when you hear knocked. Frantic knocking. You put the broom away and walked to the door. 

"Sorry, we are closed today." You say but the knocking doesn't stop. 

"(y/n) open up!" You hear Kat yell. You open the door and Kat hugs you. 

"Thank goodness! We have to go now!" She says and almost drags you from the store. 

"Wha, Kat why whats going on?" You asked as you ran with her. You saw her heading to a car with John waving at them. 

"Kat, whats going on?" You asked again as she almost shoves you into the car. 

"No time just get in! We will explain later!" John yelled. You bucked up and they both got in, John in the passenger side, Kat next to you but you saw someone else was driving. They both buckled up also.  

"Who's this?" You asked as he started to drive hysterically.

"This is a T-800. I sent him back to protect myself and Kate but he told me about the T-1000 that was sent back also...By you." John said. You looked shocked. 

"W-What?" You asked.        

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