Chapter 3 - Prisoner

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The cop had stabbed you in the right shoulder. You gripped the metal, but not to pull it out. To hold it. 

"R-Run." You said, turning your head to Kat and John. You felt him try and pull the spear out, but you held on to him tight. 

"(y/n)!" Kat yelled but John and T where pulling her away. The cop made a move forward but you grabbed his shirt and pulled him back before he could attack them. 

"No" You yelled. He turned to you and hit you in the gut. You fell to the ground but he still had his spear in your shoulder. 

"They are the enemy." He said and retracted the spear, now that you had let it go. He walked from the isle and looked, before coming back and putting his hand under your left arm, picking you up. 

"They got away because of you." He said. You smiled, even if you were in pain. 

"G-Good." You said but grunted as he took you from the store. 

"Hey you can't..." A worker started but the cop pointed his finger at him and metal shot out, impaling him though the head. He fell down dead. Your eyes went wide as the cop put you into his car. 

"Y-you killed him." You said but he didn't say anything as he touched his car's hood, which was still running, with his right hand and your injured shoulder hard with his left. You cried out in pain and felt it heating up.

"Relax. I'm cauterizing the wound so you don't die." He said. He then let you go and walked around the car, getting in and started to drive. You looked at your now burnt shoulder. It hurt still, but not as much. 

"Why did you kill that man. He did nothing to you?" You asked. He looked at you, then the road.

"You told me to kill anyone that gets in my way." He said. You punched him in the arm with your left hand but he did nothing.

"Then I command you to stop!" You yelled.

"I can not. You told me not to listen to anyone, not even your past self. You said you wouldn't understand." He said. You threw another punch but he grabbed your wrist with his left hand, keeping his right on the steering wheel. It wasn't a tight grip, but it wasn't loose. You started to pull it back but you couldn't get him to let you go and it looked like he wasn't even moving. 

"Let me go!" You yelled. He looked at you. 

"Stop immediately or I will remove your hand." He said and you felt him squeeze your wrist. you stopped out of fear. You saw his index finger turn silver and wrap around your wrist, like a bracelet. He then let you go and you saw a new finger appear on him. You tried to remove the metal from your wrist, but you couldn't. 

"Stop." He said. You looked at him. 

"Why?" You yelled. He did not look at at. 

"That is a tracker. I can find you anywhere and only I can remove it." He said. You stopped and sat back in the car. You reached and put your seat-belt on also as you realized you hadn't yet.

"What do you want from me?" You asked him. He was silent for a moment. 

"You will be staying with me. I will kill Katherine Brewster and John Connor, like you have told me to. Then I will protect you and your up coming work." He said. You looked at him. 

"Why? Kat is my best friend, why would I want her dead?" You yelled at him, tears in your eyes. 

"Because Skynet told you to." He said. You looked confused. 

"In the year 2025, you begin to work with Skynet. You made many things. You got mad at Katherine and John though. They wanted to shut down your work and Skynet. You made us to help humanity. You wanted to show them that we will not bring an uprising like the other timelines. They didn't believe you." He said and looked at you. You looked at him. 

"They destroyed your work. Everything you worked on to prevent a war but they started the war. You sent us to kill them, to kill all humans that defied you. When you lost, you sent me back in time to kill them so they wouldn't start the war." He finished. You shook your head. 

"No...No your lying." You said. He looked back at the road. 

"If I was, would you still be here, in this car, alive?" He asked. You started to punch him.

"Your a lair and I will nevAHHHHHHH!" You screamed suddenly, gripping your left wrist. The metal on your wrist tighten till you felt it dig in to your skin and you started to bleed. 

"I warned you. Do not try to harm me again." He said and you felt it loosen. You glared at him. 

"I will never help you." You said. He did not look at you as he focused on the road. 

"With you being here, you already are. Katherine will stop at nothing to find you." He said. You looked worried.

"But that T-800, he didn't trust me. He didn't even want me around her so he will stop you." You said but he didn't say anything and you leaned back, trying to think of a plan to escape.                   

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