Chapter 5 - Left behind.

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You were still looking out the window. A few hours have passed and the car was silent now. You were thinking of many thing, mainly how you sent a terminator back to kill your best friend. 

"T, we need clothes." John said. T didn't look at him.  

"Negative. The T-1000 almost killed you at the store. We will not stop again." T said. You looked at John. 

"T is right. C will stop at nothing to kill you. He won't even listen to me when I told him to stop." You said. T looked at you thought the rear view mirror. You looked at him in the eyes, but then looked back out the window. 

"Besides, most gas stations have shirts. You can get some when we stop for gas." You said. 

"That's not a bad idea. T, could we do that?" John asked. T was silent, but so was Kat and John. He must have nodded as it was too quiet for you now. 

"Where are we going?" You asked, looking at Kat. She looked at you. 

"My dad's save house. It's in the woods. T knows the way." Kat said. You nodded, but you felt like something is wrong. T drove up to a gas station and got out. John and Kat went into the store for shirts and you stayed with T. You didn't say anything as you leaned on the car. 

"What is wrong?" T asked. You looked at him. 

"I'm scared T. I just found out I sent a machine back in time to kill my best friend, was stab by said machine and when I hug my best friend you pull a gun on me." You said. T was silent. 

"Protecting John and Katherine is my mission." T said and finished with the gas. You sighed. 

"I know." You said and looked at the store. 

"T, Can I go into the store to get a new shirt?" You asked and looked at him. He didn't say anything. 

"Please? This shirt is bloody." You said, showing him your shoulder. He looked at you, then at the store. 

"Negative." He said. You flipped him off but didn't move. You saw John coming back. 

"Here (y/n). I got you a shirt." John said. You smiled and took it. You looked at T. 

"Can I go and change?" You asked rudely. T nodded and you walked in and into the restroom, locking it. You took your shirt off and looked at your new scar on your shoulder. You wiped the dried blood off, dried it and put on your new shirt. It was a stander shirt with an american flag on it. You started to hear some screams and sighed. T must have gotten worried and pulled at gun out. You unlocked the door and walked out, only to hide behind the chip rack.

It wasn't T. 

It was C. 

He was attacking T right now, but T throw him through the window.  

'Shit, shit, shit.' You thought as you looked though the rack, seeing C had gotten up. You saw T get into the car and drive off. C started to chase after them and you ran out of the store and down the street in the opposite direction.

"How did he find us?" You asked out loud as you ran. You know he only did the bracelet on you and you threw that into the back seat of his car. 

'Did you put something on me to track me, something I didn't see?' You thought. You stopped run about half a mile from the gas station to catch your breath, but continued to walk. You saw the sun was high in the sky and cars were passing by. Some stopped asking if you needed a ride, but you refused every time. you didn't want C to find you and kill them. As you walked, a car pulled over. 

"Hey there pretty lady, need a ride?" The male driver asked. You shook your head, walking faster but you heard the door open and before you could run, you were grabbed.                 

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