Chapter 6 - Saved?

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"Let go of me!" You yelled but the man was dragging you back to his car. You looked around frantically, but no cars were coming as he throw you into the back of his car. You fell on your back on the seat and tried to get up, but the man pined you down and licked your neck.

"Just be quiet and enjoy this." The man whispered into your ear. You brought your knee up, hitting the guy. He moved and you punched him. He got out, groaning in pain. He then pulled a gun at you.

"You fucking bit..." He started but a metal spear went into his head. He dropped the gun and started to twitch. The spear then came down, slicing him in half. C then walked up and grabbed you. You weren't happy that it was C that saved you, but you were happy that you were saved.

He lead you to the police car and put you in before getting in and drove.

"How did you find me?" You asked as you put on your seat belt.

"Tracker." C said. You looked at him.

"But I removed the tracker!" You shouted. C pointed to your shoulder with out taking him eyes off the road.

"I put some of my metal in your shoulder when I cauterized your wound. I can track you from any where." C said, placing his hand back on the steering wheel. Your eyes went wide.

"W-What?" You asked but C was silent. You looked down at your hands.

"I put Kat in danger." You said in a sad voice.

"No, you helped me. I knew you could cut through my metal. That's why I planted some in you." C said. You began to get angry but saw that C pulled over to the side of the road and turned to face you. You looked at him.

"Now tell me, where are they heading?" C asked. You glared at him.

"I don't know." You lied. C looked calm but didn't say anything.

"Where are they going?" C asked again.

"I don't know." You lied again and in a flash, C grabbed your wrist and squeezed.It was painful, but not enough to brake your wrist. You let out a small scream and tried to get him off, but you couldn't loosen his grip.

"Tell me." C said again. You shook your head, still straggling to get him to let go. He squeezed harder.

"Please! I don't know! Just let me go!" You shouted. C then let you go and you held your wrist, which was now red and throbbing from the pain. C then started to drive.

"If you do know and don't tell me, you will be dooming your work in the future." C said and became silent. You glared at him.

"So what? As long as Kat lives, I will be happy." You said. C looked at you for a second, then back at the road. You leaned back on your seat and thought of anyway for you to help Kat.

"I know you know where they are (y/n) and I know how you will tell me." C said. You looked at him.

"Oh yeah, how?" You asked. C didn't say anything but you felt a small pain in your shoulder. It didn't last long as it moved down to your chest and you felt a pain in your heart. You gripped your chest, breathing hard.

"W-whats h-happening?" You asked in between breaths.

"I'm giving you a mild heart attack with the metal in me. Do not worry, you won't die. You will feel pain till you tell me." C said. You gripped your chests harder.

'Kat.' You thought.

"O-OK." You said. The pain stopped and you felt it move back to your shoulder before it stopped.

"Where?" C said in a stern voice. You were still breathing hard.

"I-In the dessert." You lied. C nodded.

"I know ehre they are hidding then." C said, and turned the car around. You held on to the grab handle and hear cars screeching and a loud crashing sound. You looked behind, seeing C had smashed into another car, causing another car to smash into it.

"They are hiding out with Enrique Salceda's camp. He was friends with Sara Connor." C said and looked at you. You turned back around and looked at him.

"You told me to destroy the camp after I completed my mission." C said and turned back, facing the road. You looked at the road also. You bought Kat time, that's whats you wanted to do.

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