19: oh, baby!

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"Alright, be careful. Aunt Kat might not want you guys to drop her baby." Jim said as he looked at his two eldest daughters, Jenny and Natalie.

"I want to see the baby!" Whined Natalie, pouting. Jenny began pouting, crossing her arms.

"Hold on! Bret help me with your nieces!" Jim whined at the tanned Canadian as he stood at the nursery door, watching.

"Hey, Jenny, why don't we let Nat see her first, and then you can see her before aunt Kat puts her down. It will be more special." He stated walking over to his brunette niece, poking her stomach, causing her to smile.

"Otay!" She nodded happily.

"Alright, Nattie, you ready?" I asked, sitting beside of the young blonde.

"Mhm! I'm ready to meet my baby." She giggled, excitedly.

I laughed at her. Carefully sitting Melanie into her cousin's tiny arms, I moved closer as Nattie cooed at my daughter.

"Aunt Kat, can she stay with us?" Natalie asked with big eyes. Jim chuckled at her.

"Nat, we cant just steal babies." He said, rubbing her back with his hand.

"She's a little too young to travel around right now. But maybe someday." I smiled down at her.

It had been two weeks since I had given birth to my little girl. Which I had been alone almost a week of. The boys had to work, and I watched. Celeste stayed with me in my guest room, happily tending to Melanie when I couldn't or was asleep.

Bret had to leave the following morning after we got home with our daughter. He was making great progress at the house until Melanie started crying before he left. I tried to calm her down, which didn't work. He left doing his best not to look down or teary eye'd.

He called every night. He sounded invested in how everything was on my end. Jim had told me all Bret talked about was Melanie or me, and how he couldn't wait to get back to us.

I cried when he told me that. Jim of course didn't know what to do, so Bret found me crying and nearly had a freak out attack. I, of course pulled him down into the most passionate kiss I had ever had.

"Aunt Kat! Aunt Kat!" Jenny wailed from Bret's arms, smiling widely at me.

"Yes?" I gleamed at the oldest Neidhart girl.

"Uncle Bret said babies come from the stork. Is that where Melwanie came from?"

I looked at Bret, fighting a smirk on my lips. His brown eyes were filled with mischief. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Yep. Until she was ready to be born. Then he gave her to me and I had her." I explained with a grin.

"Daddy that was how we were born!" Natalie giggled, looking up at her father.

Jim's eyes were wide as he laughed nervously and nodded.

"So... hows parenting life?" Jim asked us suddenly.

"I love it." Bret nodded, smiling.

"That's because you aren't with your daughter every five seconds, like me." I mused.

"Don't tempt him. He was looking for excuses to come home all this week." Jim grinned at his partner.

Natalie smiled as Melanie cooed, I yawned. Bret moved to put Jenny down as I watched Melanie sneeze. Natalie giggled at that. It was then when Melanie started to wail and cry.

Sighing, I picked her up from Natalie's arms. Jim rubbed his daughters back as she watched me with her newest cousin. I pulled Melanie to my chest and began to hum, rocking her a little. She calmed down, her eyes looking around curiously.

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