Cuphead Version 2

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Name: Elizabeth

Nickname: Lizzy

Species: Human

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Relationship Role: Submissive

Height: 5'2"

Crush: Devil and\or King Dice

Personality: She is extremely kind, caring, sweet, and shy until you get to know her. She doesn't like hurting people but can seriously kick @$$ if needed. She is usually polite but can make savage remakes if she wants to. She is very easily flustered and it's easy to make her blush. When she's nervous, scared, flustered, or embarrassed she usually ends up stuttering. She is pretty innocent for her age.

Looks: Wavy red hair that goes to the middle of her back. Dark brown eyes that look black at first glance. A light skin tone, almost light enough to be considered pale. She usually wears a light weight black zip-up hoodie with a picture of a red rose tangled in vines on the back. Her clothes are mainly dark in color along with several pairs of black leggings and a pair on black combat boots. She also has glasses.

Backstory: She has her own house near where the Cup bros live. She's been friends with them pretty much her whole life. They invited her to come along to the Casino. She knew that she wasn't old enough, and heck, the Cup bros we're younger than her! But, she agreed to go either way. Though, she refused to be a part of any gambling. When the two brothers ended up loosing the bet to the Devil, she tried to defend them but just got threatened by the Devil. She left with the brothers and said she'd tried to help them the best she could. Even though they both kept saying that they didn't need her help, not wanting anything to have to happen to her.

Occupation: Sometimes works with Sally Stageplay as an actress in her plays and other things

Hobbies\Interests: She loves singing, music, art, snakes, and the outdoors. She absolutely adores getting hugs or just being held by someone. She thinks it's the best present anyone could give her.

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