Camp Camp Version 2

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Name: Elizabeth

Nickname: Lizzy

Species: Human

Age: 13

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Relationship Role: Submissive

Height: 4'8"

Crush: Ered and\or Max

Personality: She is extremely kind, caring, sweet, and shy until you get to know her. She doesn't like hurting people but can seriously kick @$$ if needed. She is very easily flustered and it's easy to make her blush. When she's nervous, scared, flustered, or embarrassed she usually ends up stuttering.

Looks: Wavy red hair that goes to the middle of her back. Dark brown eyes that look black at first glance. A light skin tone, almost light enough to be considered pale. Wears a black long sleeve shirt that has a smiling watermelon on the front, a pair of grayish-blue jean shorts, black converse, and a pair of glasses.

Backstory: She gets bullied everyday at school. She doesn't really have the best father, and the only person who has ever really been there for her is her mom. Going to camp is like her escape. She tries to make friends, but has a hard time doing so since she has trust issues from being backstabbed by others so many times. She sees David as a father figure since he's so nice and really does seem to care about her and everyone else. Though, she'd never tell him that she sees him that way. She's been going to Camp Campbell since she was 7 and plans to keep coming every year.

Occupation: None

Hobbies\Interests: Singing, art, music, climbing trees, swimming, and animals, especially snakes

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