Chapter 5: Of Monsters and Men

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[Sorry for the delayed release, I had to reedit this part because it had too many errors in it when I first wrote it and when I edited last night It just wasn't up to scratch and I don't like putting out garbage you guys deserve better. Anyway please enjoy this Chapter!]


Naruto POV:

"Good Konohamaru!" I yell as I jump back disengaging from combat from my student. I quickly run through a few hand signs, "Earth style! Mud wall!" I yell as I slam my hands into the ground, as I do, I hear the earth erupt in front of me into a massive wall.

A second passes then I decide to move, racing towards where my student might be, while I do this, I collapse the wall to reveal my student holding a red ball of energy.

So, you're going to use your fire style Rasengan, ha. This should be fun.

I think as I race towards him, as I do, he races towards me, his blue scarf flowing in the breeze. I smile figuring out what I am going to do. As we reach each other he screams, "FIRE STYLE RASENGAN!" as he goes to slam it into me, I move to the side, dodging the attack completely. As I dodge, I grab his scarf and tighten it. Strangling my poor naïve student.

"Close Konohamaru," I say as I grab a piece of paper out of my pocket and slam it onto his back. "This is a chakra seal, deactivating whatever jutsu the user is using. The Hyuga clan actually inspired me to create it." I say as his Rasengan deactivates and I let him fall face-first onto the ground. "It deactivates one critical chakra point like their Taijutsu style does," I say pointing to the middle of his back.

"Dam, you! Big brother I thought I had you that time."

"Well, I honestly thought you were going to use that explosive tag shadow kunai Jutsu. Tenten was not happy with me when I came home with all my clothes torn." I say reminding me of the horrified look I got from her and the hug she decided to give me.

"So how does it feel? Having your own student for an entire two weeks?" he asks still sitting, sweat streaming down his face.

"Fun I enjoy teaching you, when Miko is old enough I want him on my Genin team. I hope to teach him all annoying Jutsu that will drive Sasuke and Itachi insane." I say giggling at the thought of Miko using different sexy jutsus to drive his family ballistic.

"That kid is going to be amazing I am sure of it," Konohamaru says tearing off the seal off his back.

"Do you have a special lady?" I ask curious about my new students love life, "Moegi or Hanabi?"

"No, I don't have much luck with the ladies, I haven't really tried though," he says with a sigh, which worries me my strength comes from those strong bonds. Those strong bonds make me dig deep and tap into strength I didn't know I had.

"Well it is important to forge these sought of relationships; it gives you a reason to fight on when you seem to be out of options. Now anyway, let us get on with some more training." I say as I unroll the Toad summoning contract. As I look down, I see three signatures, my own, my fathers and my master. "This will be a big step for you. So be prepared," I state to him making sure I am not messing around to which he nods.

"I am ready Sensei!" he responds standing up again to join me,

"Now follow my signs and learn them. This will be crucial." I say, bringing my hands to in front of me, "Boar, Dog, Bird, Monkey, Sheep," I say while moving my hands to show the hand signs, as I do Konohamaru follows along making the hand signs as well. "SUMMONING!" I yell as I slam my hands into the ground, as I do, I watch the large white smoke appear around me. As I feel the familiar skin of Gamakichi, I stand up fully I can see the village and the entire forest surrounding the training field.

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