Chapter 6: Brothers of Battle

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Chapter 6 NaruTen Brothers of Battle


Naruto POV:

As I slowly open my eyes, I feel different than how I usually do. For as long as I can remember I wake up cold and alone. But for the first time in three years I feel warm, I feel my heart thumping, and something pressed against my body. Whatever it is, it feels soft and warm, it makes me feel safe.

As I turn my gaze to the source of this safety, I am greeted by a magnificent sight, Tenten is pressed up against my side, her head resting just above my shoulder. I can feel the slow and steady breaths against my neck, which makes my hair stand up on end. Her hair is all out swimming across the white sheets.

I am going on a date tonight with this amazing woman!

I mentally scream as I watch her sleep right next to me, as I do, I see her eyes slightly open, our eyes meet for a second and quickly she snaps them shut and pretends to sleep. I watch her cheeks grow as pink as Sakura's hair. I decide I should be forward and make fun of my partner and her pretending to be asleep.

So, making my master proud, Pervy Sage. I plant a soft kiss on her forehead being extremely forward, which causes heat to explode onto my cheeks. Instantly her eyes fly open, and I am captivated by it. Lost in the orbs of chocolate.

"I could get used to this," she says snuggling into me again, breaking me out of my trance.

"So, could I,"

"Well we have to get up and get on with our day," she responds planting a kiss on my cheek and rolling out of my bed and rushing away. With that, I sigh, knowing she is right. So, I stand up and wander out, I walk into my room.

Konohamaru is still asleep, sleeping like a baby. But after yesterday I can't blame him for wanting to sleep. As I walk in and take a better look, I notice his eyes are red and puffy as if he had only stopped crying because he ran out of tears to shed.

I reach my scroll and quickly grab it, as well as pulling out a few more of my clothes out of my cupboard silently. As I gather the last of my things I leave, silently.

As I renter what is now mine and Tenten's room, I sigh thinking of the poor situation my student is in, "Well I am a little lost on what to do with him," I say, to the empty room. Placing the scroll to one side, I go to place all but one clean set of clothes away. As I open the cupboard, I see that Tenten has a collection of clothes, multiple white and maroon ninja outfits. But also, two that stand out, the Maroon dress she wore to Granny Tsunade and an Orange dress, like those stereotypical girls in red dresses but orange.

I place my clothes on one side, making sure not to open any draws or do anything that would make Pervy sage proud. As I finish, I hear the bathroom door open and I decide to go clean up. So, taking my clean clothes I wander over to the bathroom, passing the cooking Tenten.

I take a quick shower and brush my teeth and my usual morning routine in the bathroom. Quickly getting changed and heading out. As I leave a banging sound starts. As I look over at Tenten I notice she is still busy with breakfast, so I decide to see who is pounding on the front door this early.

I wander downstairs, passing the racks and tables of weapons, as I get to the door. I open it slowly, I expected to see a lot of things, enemy ninja, drunk idiot that got lost on his way home, Lee and even Sakura. But I was not prepared for what greeted my eyes.

I am greeted by two marble white orbs, a face I know so well. Hinata's. My heart stopped beating for what felt like minutes, it felt as if someone had placed me in an ice Jutsu or something. But as I took a better look, I noticed some differences between the lady that stood before me and Hinata. Her hair was brown, not black, looking more like Tenten's eyes and hair. Her clothes look similar, a hoodie but slightly more exposing, and the colours weren't purple and grey, they were red and yellow.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2019 ⏰

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