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Draco Malfoy is a spoiled, soulless bully, who was born in a pure blood family of evil. However he was still human and had feelings, and unexpectedly felt love. Clara Li had never even met him until he had started visiting the room of requirements.

It was their 6th year and Clara focused on her studies. She had found the room of requirements in her first year trying to find a quiet place where no one would bother her. Ever since she had found the room and used it as an escape, to study and sometimes just take a nap. The abandoned large room felt safer than in her own common room. Her black and light brown hair falling over her shoulders as she lay comfortably on the cushioned saucer covered in faux fur fabric that looks like the galaxy. The specks of white and the change of cool colors with purple, pink, blue, green and black. It was paradise from the magical and pressured times in Hogwarts.

Clara had fallen asleep once again when suddenly she heard someone enter. She peeked through the cluttered room filled with hidden secrets and forgotten pasts, things that have been untouched for centuries. It was a thin boy in a very well fitted tailored black suit, with his platinum blonde hair paler than his skin. He looked quite familiar to her, but she didn't exactly know how. She then clicked the two clear signs of who he was with his hair color and the black suit but as well as his boney face that seemed quite ill. "Malfoy," she confirmed with a mumble. She followed him already having memorized the place and how to get through the maze. He was quite easy to follow with his hair being practically a white beacon of light. Clara swiftly followed from a safe distance as he cautiously looks around for any onlookers. He tossed around a apple in his hand walking and wandering his eyes around the dusty cluttered room. He suddenly stopped as he heard a creak from behind him. Clara watched as the Slytherin Prince turned around towards the creaking noise and stared at the red detailed cover with old yellow fringes. He took a few steps forward towards it and violently pulled the cover off showing a dark wooden cabinet, which she recognized as the vanishing cabinet. She remembered seeing one similar in Borgin and Burkes when her father had given in some dark artifacts that were not needed anymore since the Dark Lord had disappeared. Her father being once a follower of the dark lord had found his way back to the light when meeting her mother, a muggle-born.

Opening the dark wooden and metal door to the cabinet he found it was empty. Sadly, Clara's interests were quite piqued and she leaned in closer to see what he would do, however she had leaned over a pile of magical objects and mysteries which fell over and crashed to the ground. Malfoy turned frightened with guilt and terror but also anger. "Who's there? It better not be you Potter,... I know someone is there," He calls out to the messy and dusty room.

Clara steps out into his view, her hair contrasted with her fair skin, and her hazel almost yellow eyes stared back at the clear grayish blue eyes of the Slytherin Prince. "Malfoy," She greets.

"What are you doing here, ahh you're the bloody half blood who is the replacement seeker for Ravenclaw," He recognizes her to her surprise.

"I'm surprised you know who I am, your smarter than I thought Malfoy," She compliments.

"Heh, your father also was a death eater like my father, traitorous half blood Li," He acknowledges.

"My father may be a traitor to you, but your father is a coward and let's not forget who is in Azkaban," She insults.

"Don't talk about my father, Clara Li is it? If you didn't have such a bad mouth, a traitor for a father and a mud-blood mother I might have actually liked you," He says.

"Well if you weren't such a bully who thinks they are so high and mighty, I might have liked you," She comes back.

"You know it's rude to spy Ms. Li," He says while walking closer and closer with a smirk on his face.

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