14 1 0

Clara out of instinct ran straight towards the scream. Malfoy ran after her and mumbled curses of all sorts. Trying to stop her, he ran in front of her. "Malfoy, what are you doing? We have to help whoever it is that screamed," She says alert and ready to help. Malfoy couldn't let her see who it was, couldn't let her know the cause of the scream. He didn't want to lose another person who was actually there for him. " I can't, I can't," He says not able to speak any words other than those two. Seeing his state she quickly looked over him and saw Hagrid pick up an unconscious girl. She sighed and stopped trying to maneuver around Malfoy. Concern now lay on her face for him. She already knew that what ever just happened had to do with him and his thoughts were screaming at her. She walked to the crumpled sobbing broken boy in front of her. "Hey, hey I am right here," she placed her hands on his shoulders kneeling down rather not in the mood to have her legs frozen to popsicles she balanced herself on her feet and a little of her weight on Draco. "Draco... it's okay, your are not going to lose me," she assured him. He looked up at her his eyes red and a few droplets of tears on his frozen cheeks. She swiftly use her wand to gather the tears to use for later. She then pulled him in while she placed the collected tears into a vial, in her bag quickly before she let him go. "Why don't we go back to Hogwarts and we can go to the room of requirement sand have a small little fire there to warm ourselves up, drink some hot cocoa and have some sweets we bought earlier, hmm?" She suggested. He slowly nodded his head. Taking deep breathes breathing in the cold air that numbed his insides. "Alright, then," Clara said gently and stood up pulling Draco up as well. They bundled together for warmth and for comfort. Walking back to the castle-like boarding school. They take their time breathing in the cold air both thinking. Malfoy embarrassed by his act became a little distant with Clara and separated himself from her. Clara moves closer to him and explained, "Umm, I am actually like really cold so could we just walk closer together cause I am freezing."
"Uh, sure, I guess we can," he replied. She gave a small smile with her rosy cheeks and pale pink dry lips. She moved closer to him as he wrapped an arm around her and they continued their journey back to their safe haven.
Soon enough they reached it and she quickly changed into some warm comfy and dry clothes. The warm comfy sweatshirt with pajama pants and some fluffy socks. "Alright you ready for a little camp out?" She asked Malfoy as he finished changing into a sweater that hugged him nicely and some loose pajama pants which was of course dark green. Practically all students at Hogwarts were like this with their attire matching to their house.
She let her hair cascade down from the pretty braided hair do and then pulled it into a messy bun. She seemed relaxed and comfortable as she sat her self on the usual black sofa with Draco on the other end. His grey eyes brooding in his thoughts as he mindlessly stared at the fire before him. The reflection of the orange and yellow fire in his eyes as she gazed at the handsome still very bony face of a boy who had grown up too fast with no one to go to. She almost cried with her glassy crystal eyes watering at the edge of collapse of streaking down her face and maybe freeze just at the touch of her ice cold skin. He looked over at her viewing her soft cheeks rosy red he turned the other way to grab another blanket and wrapped it around them. They sat at the middle of the sofa staring at the fire in silence, each worried about the other.

"Draco?" Clara whispered.

"Yes?" He answered just as quietly.

"You don't have to be afraid and hide emotions from me, I won't leave you, and this will be our safe place. We are the only two who can get in here, so you can let yourself go, and get lost, for I will find you always at the end," She mumbled.

All he did in return was lay his head on her shoulder as they continued to watch the ghost like flames dance.

They stayed in that position with thoughts swimming around, words unspoken, and the quietness enveloping them.
"You know what would cheer us up?" Clara asked.
"What?" Draco replied.
"S'mores!" She replied with a shrill.
They soon got out the marshmallows, taking the wooden sticks out. she pushed the large marshmallow impaling the solid plush sugar onto the stick. She handed it to Draco, who was confused on what to do. He took hold of the stick and waited to follow her actions. Once she placed another marshmallow onto another stick for herself, she placed the white cylindrical sweet over the fire spinning the stick slowly. He followed as he watched her and glancing from hers to his marshmallow. Soon enough the exterior of the marshmallow began to brown she took it out from the flame. Like a puppy Draco watched her curiosity in his eyes as he watched her place the square shape cookie with a well fit size chocolate sitting and anticipating the oozing warm marshmallow. Sandwiching the two sweet candy he didn't realize that he marshmallow came on fire. When she turned to him, her eyes widened at blackened and enflamed marshmallow. Quickly taking the stick from the pale thin hands that were like ice. "Buggers, sorry," Draco apologizes as he watches her control the situation with the burnt marshmallow on fire.
"It's all good just remember you have to keep watch or this will happen again," she gives a playful grin laughing lightheartedly. He smiled as he watched her face glowing. He enjoyed her happy face it was like looking at a painting too beautiful to be real. Making the once blackened marshmallow disappear she grabbed him a new one and embed the sharp point in the white pillow like sugared sweet. "Here you are, good as new," she handed it to him as she then focused on taking a bite out of her store and the while most would make a mess not just on their face but on their clothes she casually ate the sweet dessert without a problem. She even watched Draco as he cautiously watched over his new marshmallow. Finally once it was perfectly cooked he made his snore and took a bite. Although he didn't make a mess with drooping chocolate into his clothes he sure did have a ring of chocolate around his mouth. Clara couldn't help herself as she giggled at the Slytherin prince who looked like a regular teen for once. "What? Is there something on my face?" He asked as he finished gobbling his s'more and covered his mouth with his hand. She grabbed a napkin with a teasing smile a pushed his hand down. Slowly she wiped the mess off his face. "You could say that it's a mess but honestly it's a pretty neat circle around your mouth," she teased.
"Oh," he replied as he shied away and grabbed a new napkin to finish the job.
"It was cute, it made you look like a kid again," she said with a smile.
"What? No I'm not a kid I'm Draco Malfoy, cute? More like devilishly handsome," he responds.
"Hahahaha!" She bursts out. His blushing face only made her laugh more, and it was cute the serious and mischievous Slytherin prince who was eating s'mores with her and laughing, and blushing, and had no clue how to make s'mores until now. Clara focused on the bright red blush which differed from his usual pale white skin. He turned away embarrassed by his state feeling his whole face red from the girls words. "Hehehe, Draco, darling your adorable, and I love it," she said with sweetness. He turned to her slowly hearing her say I love was something he never heard others say and yet it only mattered when she said it. She made it sound like a promise something you wish for forever but it never comes true. Those precious words that were a few steps from confessing something that could light up Draco's words if it was only said to him by her. However once again the marshmallow burst into flames as she was laughing and Draco was embarrassed. "Oh this is bloody frustrating," he said as he pulls the blackened and charred flames mush on the end of his stick. Clara could only laugh wholeheartedly and gasp out the word, "brilliant."
Throwing the mush away he grabbed over her for another marshmallow. (Should I do one of those classic too close for comfort romantic tensioned scenes where character reaches over another character but during that they lock eyes with each other and question what to do next or who will make the first move?)

Hi sorry this is shorter than most but please comment and tell me how you thing I should end this chapter. Hope you are enjoying this and please be safe continue practicing social distancing and stay healthy and love you all and can't thank you enough for all your support.
Infinity star

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