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I really don't have time to play games of hide and seek, but I really need to find Malfoy. Rushing through the halls going through a list of stressful things to think over with having to find a backup sanctuary for the Order, school, needing to continue working on my legilimency and learn to control my occlumency as well as my animagus. I need to watch over this pomp rich messed up boy who might be going through a crisis, and well fudge I have quidditch practice. Hermione and Ginny are not my biggest problems at the moment however I understand there frustrations. Honestly, they didn't miss much from the meeting. Right now I have to worry about Malfoy and his complicated mess of a life he is going through and how to at least prevent him from fulfilling his mission completely.

Third Person PoV
<<<<Later that day>>>>
Clara entered into the locker rooms and placing on her quidditch robes for practice. Checking the time she had at least 9 minutes to get on the field before Lila makes her do 100 broom crunches and pull ups 5 times. Grabbing a water bottle, her gloves, goggles, and her wand, she slid it in her left boot clipping the tube-like compartment closed and grabbing her Firebolt Supreme.
Her uncle had given this speedy broom to her as a birthday gift, as she remembered the memory of her first broom which he gave her. The small hints of a smile as he watched her play on her new toy broom in the far away past. Clara flew around so fast her parents had to get Snape to cast a spell just to get her to slow down and have lunch. Their times in school, the connection of the dark lord, and their change of heart brought Snape and her father together helping each other fight for a smaller sentencing and to live a normal life once more. His weekly visits to the Li's home made him closer and practically like a second father to her. Even though she called him uncle, Snape was Akaito Li or Clara's father's cousin by blood. Akaito was the descendant of the forgotten sister, Julianne Prince sister to Snape's mother Eileen Prince, who had married into a pure blood Chinese family. At the time the Li family had a strong connection to the ministry and were very powerful. The Prince and Li family had already had plans to an arranged marriage with their oldests. Julianne of course was against this but hid her true feelings. Later that year she had fallen in love with Hiro Li, the man she was already betrothed to. They met during the Triwizard competition during their year and had even gone to the Yule ball together. Unbeknownst to their betrothal to each other they fell in love and eloped once they finished their seventh year. Not many knew of their marriage or Julianne Prince so not many knew of Snapes relation towards the Li's, not only that but Li was a very common name so many did not show interest in Clara's family, in the end leaving their family to live a normal, out of the spotlight life.
Having just reached the field she got on her broom and zoomed into the air where her team was chatting while they wait for Lila their team captain finished talking with Egwu. Flying up to the team she told us what to do unfortunately she also had some bad news. "Egwu had just informed me that Griffindors team will be sharing the field with us, they won't be here for too long they just wish to finish up their tryouts for their new keeper," Lyla explained. Everyone nodded in understanding and got to work. One of the bludgers were out as the beaters passed it around making sure to keep a safe distance from the rest of the team; the keeper was practicing with the three chasers, and Clara was high up in the sky watching, waiting for Lyla who would be racing around with her. Lyla is a chaser so she was practicing with the others but after a few minutes she flew up towards Clara with a grimace on her face. "What's up?" Clara asked.
"Just that it's my last year at Hogwarts and I am thinking about quidditch but most of all what I will do in the future," Lyla admits with a sigh.
"Hey, just worry about one thing at a time and anyways you are still a very talented wizard. I am sure you will find your passion soon," Clara reasons.
"I am glad we have you as our seeker now you have been outstanding, now let's get back to training, you ready?" She asks getting back to her serious captain self.
"Always," Clara replies as they zoomed around the quidditch field it's Lyla on her tail.
Soon the crowd came out to practice since it was a Friday and they wanted to find out Griffindors's new Keeper. Clara finished racing around with Lyla and Lyla went back to practicing with the other Chasers. Clara watched up high as they came on the feels and it seemed Harry would be the new captain with Ginny right behind him. Soon enough the candidates for Keeper came up, Ron Weasley that looked pale and a hint of green skin, his nerves were definitely on edge. Then there was McLaggen; that self confident, incompetent piece of rubbish as he flown on his probably brand new broom that his father had bought him. He had looks but everything on the inside was a rotten apple. They huddled up and Harry and Ginny tried to settle them down. Once done they talked and everyone went up preparing to practice and test the keepers. Harry was soon flew up with Ginny as they spoke about the team and Lyla and Clara flew over towards them. "Harry and Ginny," Lyla calls to them.
Harry and Ginny turn their heads and Ginny smiled at Clara.
"Hey Lyla," Harry responds. Flying towards each other Ginny and Clara hug with smiles on their faces.
"Soo looking for a new Keeper," Clara asks.
"Yeah, with Oliver graduating we need a new Keeper," Harry explained.
"I see you finally convinced Ron to tryout," Clara nodded her head towards Ron the red head whose hair was hidden under the ugly quidditch helmet wearing bulky brown pads and with his eyes filled with fear. "Uhh, yeah well I knew his desire to play on the quidditch team, he just gets inside his own head," Harry said as he watched his best friend stand in front of the three hoops that were considered goals in the game. Ginny looked at Harry you could see in her eyes the adoration and love she has for him just with that one glance as he watched her brother. Clara looked at Ginny with a smirk which Ginny saw making her look down in embarrassment. Even now when she is dating Dean, her always unrequited love for Harry shines through.
"So Harry wanna race," Clara asked.
"Sure always good to practice with another seeker. These days I am always racing with Ginny and I know she needs to practice with the other Chasers more," Harry said.
"Oh also sorry Lyla we didn't realize you signed up for this time honestly they need to be better coordination," Harry apologizes.
"It's all good it better you than those smug Slytherins," Lyla replies cursing the Slytherin name.
"Well we won't take too much time anyways we are almost done with our practice unless you want to do a practice scrimmage," Lyla challenges.
Harry laughs and says, "Maybe next time when we have chosen our official keeper."
Lyla nods and goes back to the Ravenclaw team while Ginny flies back towards her brother and the other Gryffindor chasers. Harry watches Ginny with sadness in his eyes and love that he wish he could express.
"Already fallen for her," Clara replies with a small sad smile.
"Heh, and I remember when she came running downstairs in her pjs and when she saw me at their house she was shocked still and then quickly rushed back upstairs," Harry says with a smile.
"The boy who lived and is the chosen one is the boy who falls in love with his best friends sister," Clara responds.
"Well enough of my sad love life, what about you what is going on with you and Malfoy," Harry asks. She could hear his hatred for malfoy and the worry he has for her.
"Oh you know just having to watch over him see his mischief and I promise you he is harmless," Clara assures.
"Right, I guess someone needs to watch over him, so what about the Order," Harry asks.
"Trying to get more info be more of help, train more but of course being still a student and not able to do magic outside of school it's hard to do anything,"Clara responds with a heavy sigh.
"Is there anything I can do,"Harry asks almost pleading.
"Harry right now you are the one we need to stay out of the action the most as much as you hate not being able to know anything or helping it is for your own safety and with what's going on with Voldemort and your connection with him it's to keep everyone safe. How are you holding up with him especially at night," Clara reasons.
"It's bearable but I keep hearing him and like getting nightmares," Harry explains with sweat appearing just speaking of it.
"I'll talk to someone about getting you some herbs for it or a way to shut him out," Clara suggests.
"Well, I can't get others to worry about me though they already have enough to worry about," Harry said but he was also hiding something. You could see the hidden burden in his eyes. "Don't worry about it so I know enough about herbs to help you get at least enough energy for you to go throughout your day," Clara responds.
"Thanks Clara, now you ready to race, I won't go easy on you," Harry says with a playful smile. Clara smirks and they said together, "Three,...two,... one,... snitch!" They started their race zooming around until the sun went down. They went in, Harry and Clara chatting and laughing. Ginny watched from behind wishing she could be the one to make him laugh but then saw Dean waiting and she put on a quick smile and raced over to him.
Harry saw as she raced over and hugged her boyfriend and one of his friends. Clara smiled and wrapped her around him as Hermione waited at the entrance of the changing rooms as well. "Hey if you need someone just send a note," Clara whispers and goes to change. Harry smiles and walks over to Hermione. Clara watched as the best friends reunited giving sympathetic smiles to each other. Clara turned to go into the changing rooms when she saw a glimpse of platinum blonde hair and she raced after it with her black quidditch cloak flapping and tailing her. She searched for the only boy she knew who had that hair to be grabbed from behind and pulled into a room. She turned to find Malfoy with hooded eyes. The piercing storm grey irises stared intensely into her's. "Where have you been?" She asked Malfoy.
"Busy, getting close with Potter I see," he snarls.
"Are you serious right now Draco. I searched everywhere for you during break and lunch, rushing out of class and now your getting angry at me for talking with one of my friends," Clara retorts. Malfoy running his hands through his hair as his frustration was untamed.
"Ugh, I don't know I thought I was for once more important than the chosen one," he growls confused and conflicted. Clara sighed finally in understanding. She walked up to him and put her hands on his shoulders him tensing before slowly relieving his tensions as he gazed at her. "Draco, you are always important to me, but that doesn't mean I will always bE by your side. I have my own friends and you have yours even if their rubbish," she replied with kindness in her eyes and leaning in to hug him. His storm grey eyes turned into a moonlight in the darkness as he held in a chuckle for her comment on his friends. "I think you also have to realize that Harry isn't who you think he is. I think you need to actually get to know him," Clara explained.
"Harry heh, like that will happen. We despise each other from practically day one. If it isn't the houses rivalry even then we would still consider each other rivals for he is the chosen one," Malfoy says.
"Has it ever crossed your mind, that Harry doesn't use that title to gain anything," Clara asks.
"That's not the point, he is favored for this title and he doesn't have to try."
"Harry does have to try and just because he's the chosen one doesn't mean it's his choice, he is just trying to get through school just like everyone else," Clara reasons.
"Just like everyone else you take his side," Malfoy mumbles.
"There are no sides Draco. I am defending my friend who isn't here to stick up for themself and I am trying for you to open and realize that you are putting him in a pedestal for something he doesn't want or care for,"Clara defends.
"I don't know okay, I just can't deal with everything," Malfoy shrinks into himself. Clara grabs the bottom of his chin and lifts his head for his eyes to meet hers.
"It's ok to feel stressed but that doesn't make you have the right to be angry at someone else, your displacing your feelings toward hatred for someone who you have taunted and blamed for years," Clara says in a whisper.
"From now on you are staying by my side okay?" She asks.
"Okay," he whispers as he looks into her warm dark brown orbs that somehow comfort his heart.
"Alright lets go we need to get ready for bed, why don't we meet in 30 minutes back at the room of requirements," Clara suggests.
"Sure, see you in a little bit," Malfoy replies. They step out of the room together and go their separate ways. However what they didn't know was Ginny had just been around the corner and had seen them both leave the room. Ginny has just finished crying as well since just before She and Dean had another fight. She rushed over to catch up with Clara wanting answers.
"Cla-rra," she says in a shaky voice. Clara turning around found The youngest red head of the the Weasley family with res puffy eyes and a determined facial expression.
"Yes Ginny?" Clara waits patiently for her.
"Can we talk for a little bit?" Ginny asks.
Clara nods her head and they go to private area that she knew of. "So what's going on, what did you want to talk about?" Clara asks.
"Are you and Draco together?" Ginny asks.
Wow this is not where I thought this conversation was going Clara thought.
"No, what made you think of this? I tell you if it is Luna don't always listen to her she can go a little luny sometimes," Clara says knowing Luna too well, sometimes she just speaks out anything she sees.
"No, I just saw you and Draco come out of an empty room together," Ginny says honestly.
"Ginny, he's going through a rough year," Clara clarifies.
" But, it seems like more" Ginny says.
"It's not really," Clara reassures.
"Now you want to tell me about what's going on with you and Dean?" Clara asks.
"It's nothing," Ginny tries to push away but now tears have started to form again.
"What happened Ginny, you know I can always just read your mind instead," Clara says an empty threat.
"I think it would be better than explaining it with words," Ginny replies. Clara nods and starts concentrating. She sees the memory of her and Dean just earlier.
"You like Harry, I can seen it just by one look. Why are you even dating me?" Dean says hurt.
"Dean it's not like that, I like you..." Ginny tried to fight back why can't I just let him go, I have Dean Ginny thinks.
"I know he's the chosen one and everything but if you still have feeling for him why even say yes to me?" Dean says.
"I do like you, I thought I would get over him and be with you," Ginny tried to explain.
"So I'm just some sloppy second that you can just use?" Dean asks.
"Whatever I'm done with this," Dean says turning his back and leaving.
————End of Flashback————
Clara sighs and gives Ginny a hug who cries into her shoulder.
"Ginny you have to be honest with yourself, do you like Harry still," Clara says as she pulls out of the hug to look straight at her.
"I don't know?" Yes.
"Do you love Harry more than Dean?"
"..." Yes.
"You have to be honest with yourself Ginny, all of those questions you said yes to" Clara says telling her the truth.
Ginny sighs and Clara hugs her whispering into her ear, "You have to stop hurting yourself and Dean... and Harry."
Ginny's eyes widen from Clara's words and shakes her head in disbelief. "How could I hurt Harry?" She asks. Clara gives a sympathetic smile and walks to the Ravenclaw dorms. Tomorrow night she had to go to Slughorn's personal dinner with all his favorite students. Clara taking a warm shower and putting on her pajamas same as last night she stuck her extra uniform in her bag and grabbed her book bag. Going down to the Room of Requirements taking the usual path. Luckily it was dinner so the elves would be able to give her some food. Communicating silently with one of her favorite elves Ify.
Yes Lady Li?
Could I have some packed dishes for dinner?
Of course my lady
What have I told you about my name
Of course... Ms. Clara.
Thank you
Clara pass through the kitchen and finds Ify at the exit with a bag of food. Clara smiles gratefully to her and goes to find the Room of a Requirements entrance.
She found it easily and opened the door making sure no one was there. Going to her hiding spot. Malfoy was surprisingly not here and she set the dinner down. She began to take a small plate and pile small amount of food on it. She then was meth with darkness as someone covered her eyes with their hands. She looked up to find Malfoy genuinely smiling at her. "You seem to be in a better mood," Clara says with a smile.
"Well a soothing bath and champagne cured my mood," Malfoy said with a smirk.
He sat down across from her on the black sofa and looked at the fresh food. She handed him a plate and went back to her own to take a bite of the well season and cream colored sauce covering the white steaming chicken. "That sounds nice, but I don't drink so sparkling water for me," Clara says.
"Wow aren't you safe and innocent," Malfoy smirks devilishly with plans hidden in his mind. Clara rolls her eyes as she continues to eat. Malfoy grabs some salad and starts munching on the greens. "So, why don't you drink?" Malfoy asks.
" Haven't needed it and anyways feels it doesn't actually hell me and it taste like piss," Clara explained.
" you'll get used to it," he answers nonchalantly as he adds some juice to a cup. " if your used to it your already have had too much," Clara answered.
"Anyways, What really made you into a better mood," Clara asks knowing fully well Malfoy was hiding something.
Malfoy goes silent trying to think of a good explanation but couldn't find the words.
"I don't know," he replies in full honesty but deep down in his heart he kind of knew and was obviously being oblivious. They ate dinner, did homework laughed and joked and soon enough they fell asleep on the couch together Clara laying her head on Malfoy's shoulder and his head laying on hers with a comfy fuzzy blanket covering them.

Hi so sorry I took soo long honestly this isn't my best and everything but hope you enjoy. The song I saw as I was just playing music and I was like hey this has the same name as my title so why not. Hope you enjoy please follow, vote, comment and share. Also sorry this one isn't as long as the others
Infinity Star

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