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I woke on my side with my left arm aching from the awkward position. Covered by a green blanket, I found my arm over a girl's waist. I lifted by arm off of her in shock, confused on what happened last night. The girls head turned facing be with plush dusty rose colored lips, fair skin, and dark eyelashes. Her hair in waves of black, gold and even hints of copper surrounding her face. I stared at the girl that slept peacefully next to me. Checking the time to find it was 5:20 in the morning, and having slept at around 10:40 this has got to be the most sleep I had this whole year, especially with the Dark Lord creeping into my dreams almost daily. For some reason I actually had a blissful sleep with no dreams at all. Pondering over the girl and if she had anything to do with it. Clara Li was quite a puzzle, however having no time to question further as I remembered my mission; I got up trying not to disturb the beautiful girl who slept next to me. I walked to the vanishing cabinet still trying to fully figure things out how to accomplish the first part of Lord Voldemort's wishes. "How do I work this damn thing?" I mumbled to myself.

Third person PoV
The slapping of papers awoke her, slowly squinting and peeking out into the real world to find what had happened. She heard mumbles and sighed realizing Malfoy was just frustrated. She slowly blinked, adjusting to the brightness of the morning and lifted her body off the couch. The extended and somewhat comfortable sofa was wide enough to fit two people comfortably with extra space, but she was still laying on the original part of the sofa with the extension unused. Clara walked towards the raging teenager. "Good morning," she greeted him. He looked towards the girl her hair was a little unkempt but it only made her more beautiful in the morning light. "uh, sorry did I wake you?" He asked, staring at her transfixed. With her bralette showing as the loose long sleeve and robe hanging off her shoulder. Her pale yellow skin glowing as she tilted her and smiled, "It's alright I usually wake up at this time anyways." She goes back to get her extra clothes. "You should probably go up and get one of your fancy suits," Clara calls ambling her way towards her makeshift changing area. A floral curtain with rings like a shower curtain. She pulled it to the side to find a small makeup and changing room, she had handmade in her second year at Hogwarts. She quickly changed and added lip-gloss on just because it was the end of the week and so Jaz would stop nagging her to dress up more. She buttoned up the white and wrinkle free dress shirt, with the standard Ravenclaw uniform: blue and silverish white diagonal stripes, black skirt,with black tights underneath, a gray blazer. She swiftly placed on the Ravenclaw cloak with the royal blue material on the inside and the Ravenclaw's symbol sewn on right over her heart. Clara put her waves of hair into a half up half down style, with the top half in a bun. Walking out of the changing room She found Malfoy in a black suit once again, but this time he added a plain silver tie that matched well with the black. He stretched himself out on the couch looking at the changing sky. When he looked over towards Clara, then he got up and started heading towards the exit. She grabbed her bag and walked out to find Malfoy waiting just outside. She smile and tap his shoulder, "Waiting for someone?"
Malfoy turns his eyes visibly soften but as quick as came it was gone. "Li, morning," he formally said.
"Good morning, will you be having breakfast today or off to some random corner of the school grounds for your secretive duties," she teased.
"Hilarious, of course I will be going to the dining hall to have breakfast." He starts walking with his long thin legs lengthening the distance between him and her. Clara smiles to herself at how ridiculous this boy was. She ambled her way to the dining hall following Malfoy's foot steps. By now he would have been out of sight from the length of his strides and his quick speed however it showed he had measurably slowed down to pace with her, being only five steps ahead of her the entire way to the dining hall. As they reached the hall that connected to the dining hall entrance it became a little more crowded with girls and boys from 11 to 19 year of age. From the prestigious and well depicted four houses: Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, and Hufflepuff. The yellow, blue, red and green colors splayed around as some exited and some entered into the dining hall. Jaz immediately attacked Clara the instant she saw her. Clara having to hold her up as Jaz jumped onto her she tried to maintain balance. "Whoa, Good morning to you too Jaz," Clara gasped out.
"Oh my god did the devilishly handsome Slytherin prince just glance this way?"Jaz says just a bit too loud. As we peak glances at Malfoy, he has a smirk on his face. He starts walking once again to enter into the dining hall. Clara instantly smiles because he definitely heard and is watching them at the corner of his eye. She laughs and grabs her friend's hand, who is still gawking at the troublesome pure blooded Draco Malfoy. She drags Jaz to the Ravenclaw table and sits at an empty slot. More food comes popping up as she takes two pancakes and a waffle neatly decorated them with the maple syrup and whip cream then added strawberry's and chocolate shavings, then sprinkling powdered sugar on top. She gave it over to Jaz, who had watched in amazement and glowed when Clara passed it to her. Everyone around watched she did this only a few time never really coming to the dining hall for breakfast. However, when she did she always made beautiful display of the food. The maple syrup was put on top of each pancake and waffle the whip cream looked fake and the strawberries and chocolate shavings only made it more delicious. The powdered sugar on top just made it prettier. Once again everyone came in a line asking her to prepare their plate. She would only smile and nod taking there empty plate and asked what they wanted. She did this for practically the whole table and some other students from other houses. She started making her own plate with an omelette spread on some ketchup in a zigzag fashion and started eating once finished she grabbed a cinnamon bun neatly took a bite grabbed some extra food in a bag separating things. She took five pancakes and waffles, a small back of maple syrup, strawberries, blueberries, bananas and oranges, scrambled eggs and toast, a small bag of ketchup, some sandwiches and more. She gulped down the last bit of her chocolate milk drink and grabbed a few more milkshakes and smoothies. She put 3 galleons on the plate and wrote a letter from one of her scrap books. She wrote in jest cursive handwriting saying dear house elf thank you for taking care of us and I know you do this because this is what you like to do and not to be paid but it's small compensation for always taking more food and always carefully picking and making all our favorite foods. Love Clara Li.
Clara folded the note and placed it on the three gold coins. She left the table waving goodbye to Jaz who's mouth is half stuffed with food. Then a origami bird flapped it's wings and landing in her hand she curiously opened it to find:
Make me breakfast tomorrow and meet at the same place we met during lunch I'll bring the food
MF (Slytherin Prince)
Clara smiled and glanced over toward the Slytherin table to find he was watching her. She smirked and raised her eyebrow and started writing on the back.
How very demanding of you. We must really make you take some beginners etiquette class. I'll see you later and don't worry I already have food, unless you want something specific for lunch that isn't this mornings breakfast food.
She blew the origami bird back to life as it flew to the original owner as she walked backwards watching the bird. Malfoy reaches for it as soon as it was in reach and slide to the side reading the note. He laughed and glanced up at her
then back at the note. She walked out with a grin on her face and climbed the stairs to her first class of the day. Transfiguration today climbing up the winding stairs, but she was caught by Malfoy once more. "Where are you running off to," He asks.
"Transfiguration, why?" I look at him.
"Same let's go," he orders grabbing her wrist and climbing the rest of the way up the stairs. Entering the class they found it was empty and Clara started walking toward her usual desk. She usually had a friend or two in each class either she made or already had been friends with. However, Malfoy sat next to her. "Your sitting with me?" Clara confused.
"Yes, you have the best notes I am probably going to fall asleep," Malfoy explains.
"Yes but people will see it differently," she responds.
"Don't worry about it the Slytherin will just clarify any misunderstandings," Malfoy says as he lays his head down on his arms looking sideways at Clara.
She brought out her Transfiguration notes and flipped through her notes. The well measured amount of ink and cursive writing elegant and legible. She flipped through the notes trying to memorize everything she wrote. Malfoy watched as if he even looked away for a second everything would disappear like a dream. Clara raised her eyebrows and eyes met with his and asked, "would you like to copy my notes?"
"*coughing* uh read it to me," He orders. She merely chuckles and the silly order and flips to the beginning.
"Transfiguration class, 6th year, Ms. McGonagall. Day one, in transfiguration class Ms. McGonagall informs us on what we will be focusing on this year.
One spells to turn creates into objects
Two The transfiguration of humans
And three Animagi
We started a simple review of what we learned in the past," she reads the first two pages. The door opened and Ms. McGonagall enters to find Clara Li one of the best students who excelled in potions just like her uncle, she is a hidden animagus and very studious. However to her surprised she found Malfoy sitting next to her. Malfoy turned to face McGonagall and deep within his eyes were a flame of blue and gray smoke meaning for death for her interruption. McGonagall walked to her desk calmly and sat down, "Ms. Li early as usual. But Mr. Malfoy seems her good behavior is rubbing off on you," she says as she checks off their names for attendance. "Professor McGonagall, I actually wanted to speak with you," Clara spoke.
"Of course follow me," Professor McGonagall responded fully aware of what she wished to speak of. They both stood and walked to her private office, she closed the door to make sure Malfoy could not hear. "I know we will be learning more about animagus this year but I really need some personal training. I feel I could be much more of an asset in the Order" She explains.
"Clara you are already well trained from Padfoot, and you are quite too young you can't even do magic in the outside world without breaking the law. You have become a real asset but right now we need you to lay low and watch over Harry and Draco Malfoy," McGonagall reasoned.
"But Minerva I want to do more," Clara explains.
"And you will but right now we have to be careful especially with Malfoy, he can't know your an animagus," Minerva replies understandingly.
"Yes I know, the less people that know the safer we are," Clara says as if repeating a mantra.
"How about every Wednesday after hours we can turn into our animagi and stroll around the castle but only for an hour at most," She leniently gave in.
Clara embraces Minerva with her eyes glowing.
They exited and found more students had entered specifically speaking Harry and Hermione. Hermione and Clara nodded toward each other and Harry smiled and turned away. Clara always questioned his response although he did have a crush on Cho so that might have effected him. Clara walked back to her seat climbing the small elevated stairs to her seat. Malfoy seemed to actually be asleep as she sat down she made sure to be extra quiet. Taking out her quills and took out her wand she whispered, "Accio, Malfoy's transfiguration notebook." It came flying through the door into the classroom before falling on too of her things on the desk. She sighed paranoid by his lack of concentration in school. There was definitely something going on that he is keeping secret. She charmed a quill that looked exactly like the one in her hand to first copy down her original notes which was specifically to copy all notes from her transfiguration notebook to any parchment or notebook she wished. She then charmed the quill to follow her quill as she wrote notes for this class. She waited for Professor McGonagall to begin the lesson she peeked over to watch Harry and Hermione. They were whispering to each other as they looked around making sure no one heard. Hermione noticed Clara watching them. Hermione whispered once more to Harry before straightening her body. Clara always thought they would be good together, although she could definitely tell that they were only friends and Hermione had her heart set on a certain red headed bloke. She turned to see if the quill had finished copying. Malfoy seemed to have awoken and curiously watched the quill working. "So Sleeping Beauty has awoken from her deep sleep? Any nightmares?" She asked him as she flipped to a new page in her notes. "Uhh no, is the quill copying your notes?" Malfoy asked still puzzled over the quill elegantly writing down words.
"Uh yes I have an extra quill for each class that copies my notes so if I ever lose this notebook I can easily just grab a new book and charm the quill to place down my notes," Clara explained. Malfoy nodded with a bit of bed head from his light nap. She started patting it down and turning up unsuccessful. Malfoy startled by her touched turned to face her and slid himself out of her reach. "Oh, sorry you had bed head," Clara apologized and explained. Malfoy settles down and nodded then scooted back towards her. "How did you know of such an advanced spell I never knew a pen could be charmed to write for you and copy down notes,"Malfoy asked.
"Oh well I actually got the idea from Rita but I made a few tweaks so it wouldn't spew out lies but what I wanted to copy down," Clara answered with a little thrill in her voices.
"Oh, also sleeping beauty?" Malfoy put his famous smirk.
"Yes, cause you were asleep, hope you weren't offended that I called you a girl,"Clara remarked nonchalantly. Malfoy's stormy grey eyes widen not expecting a calm and witty retort. Malfoy baffled took a minute to find he had no comeback. He grumbled and watched the quill finish its work. Draco Malfoy would not let his pride be easily wounded by this daughter of a traitor, yet deep down he felt he couldn't hurt her. He shook off whatever feeling he had never felt before and laid his head in his arms facing away from HER. Malfoy made the decision to only talk with her in the room of requirements. Their secret hideout. Soon the class had finished and they went their separate ways Clara whisked off to find her best friend Jaz who would definitely hear the whispers of Malfoy sitting next to her. However, it seemed it was too late for Jaz had found her first and jumped on top of her. "MUST TELL EVERYTHINGGGGGG!" She shouted.

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