Part 2 of V

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I was welcomed in with less difficulty than I had thought. The bright light that consumed me and I felt like I was floating. I entered into a memory a young boy with a smug smile and blonde hair blue and grey piercing eyes that could be considered jewels. It could only be young Draco Malfoy, a boy in a rich pure bred family proper but arrogant even when he was young. I could only smile at the child giggling at his youthful behavior. However, I could only sigh and think of the frozen Draco now. I just watched a little longer, as the boy sat at a desk pretending to be like a royal doing important work. The well furnished study room looked refine and neat probably well taken care of by servants. However, you could hear the heartless whispers of other just outside the door. 

"Now that the Dark Lord is gone, Narcissa you must be cautious. That corrupt government that has filthy mudbloods trekking all over the place . It is fortunate enough we have the favor of some of the higher ups and won't question us. However, I will have to visit and converse with those blithering idiots and that Weasely,  he is obsessed with those muggles, I don't even know how you are related to them," Lucius Malfoy.

"Lucius what about Draco he won't be hindered by this will he?" Narcissa being a loving mother it seemed. 

"Narcissa he will be fine, but he can get close the boy who lived, we could maybe get him on our side," Lucius thought already thinking of how to use his son. Narcissa peaked through the doorway watching somewhat lovingly but without her face changing.  Her cold beauty really is magnificent but I rarely ever saw her before.

I went zooming through the memories trying to find any connection with Voldemort. What did he swear to do, what was Draco's mission?

Soon I reached near his most recent days it was of him in Borgin and Burkes. He was surrounded with his mother next to him. They were all in black, the black suit that hung on Draco's frail body which was was quite nice on him. I kept watching but kept noticing his hollow cheeks and his eyes with bags under them. His pale skin almost ghostly made me worry about him even more than before. Where did that cute blonde arrogant little boy go, that spoiled brat that annoyed everyone and had even taken some of my books and wrote traitor in them and ripped pages out of them. Although, it was mean I was easily able to repair them so I wasn't effected by his bullying stunts. I continued on with watching his memory, the careful eyes searching for anything to be off. I could feel his confusion his conflict within his mind of if he really wanted to be part of this. He kept trying to persuade himself that this is what his parents taught him and fought for, this is what will free his father, this is what will make him live. He didn't care as much of the pureblood, halfblood, or the muggleborn status that was so entwined into his mind and what he was taught, but ever since he was part of Hogwarts it only made him more and more confused. 

I saw the nightmares flash by everything contorted the whispers of that snake-like monster that has pale white skin his nose only slits as nostrils and his voice with a tongue like a snake. His torment of promising Draco a world if he followed his mission. His parent and all the one's he loved, he dreamed of even me crying out to him as I am sucked away from him as I disappear with only black wisps of smoke that remained. He tried reaching for me, he tried running to me but all he could do was watch as it all happened. He cried out as he clawed at his face as he messed up his platinum blonde hair. He screamed yet even then it sounded only of an echo. I woke to find I was cold my fingers numb and snow falling. I thought of summer time and soon a wave of warmth embodied me and Draco. He was still asleep but he had been shivering and whispering words I  could not comprehend. However once the heat wave came he slowly fell into a deep slumber pulling me closer. I snuggled in and fell back to sleep noting to myself to tell Professor Dumbledore of what I saw. I know Snape would be furious if he found out what I had done. I closed my eyes and drifted into a dreamless sleep.

Hello Readers,

SOOO Part 2 of Chapter V hope you enjoy those these parts were shorter than most chapters I hope you enjoyed and continue to read, share, vote, comment, and follow me. 

So in this part we get to see Malfoy and in his memories.

Do you think Malfoy knows she was in his mind?

Will Snape find out what Clara did?

What did Clara learn from these memories?

Can Malfoy be changed?

Would love to hear what you think.

Infinity Star

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