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The snow on the field was mushy and it was raining hard with winds that could blow you off your broom if you weren't careful. Today it would be slippery but rain, snow, or shine quidditch was played. Flying up into the air, Clara could barely see a thing, as she searched for the Seeker that would be across from her. Evidently it would be even harder to see the snitch with flurries of snow blocking the view.
You know you would think from previous accidents that they would learn for Hogwarts students to not play practically in a blizzard. Well back to the game with everyone freezing themselves into popsicles and with the announcers voice going in and out. Clara was lucky to remember a warmth spell. The game was going to begin and with the snitch circling around us before flying off to who knows where as Madame Pouch tosses up the quaffle. The brooms whisked away in every direction as the quaffle was tossed around. She watched knowing Slytherin always had some messy almost illegal tricks up their green slithering sleeves. She never understood how you could do that, its much less a victory using those tactics but it just makes it even better if we win when they do try and use their cheap ways. She searched for the golden snitch and careful to watch the other players and especially the Slytherin seeker. Luckily, they seemed to be having trouble and haven't spotted the snitch. Clara looked around once more but this time she saw something strange, the Slytherin Seeker had grown on a small smirk but it immediately disappeared, Clara knew that this only meant they were up to some trouble. You could obviously see the Slytherin do some underhand ways, however the Ravenclaw team was prepared and were always quick witted. They also knew how to get under everyone's skin, it was a terrible talent but also very useful at times. Sending a signal with her wand the team got in formation and were ready. Clara searched for the Golden snitch once more squinting. She saw a glint and that's all it took before she zoomed off. Of course, the Slytherin seeker came close behind following Clara's tail. However, Clara knew exactly what she was doing and zipped right around the players who had clumped together. They had practiced this set up for a while now and were finally able to use it. Staying hidden in the crowd so the Slytherin Seeker couldn't find the snitch or follow her tail. Slipping underneath the stadium flying toward the direction she actually saw the snitch. Sipping out from the curtains Clara snatched the Golden snitch and flew into the middle of the field with her hand holding the Snitch in the air. The cold golden metal snitch that folded its thin elegant wings back hugging its body once more.
"Clara Li from the Ravenclaw team has caught the snitch, game over, Ravenclaw wins!" The Ravenclaw house cheered with excitement and relieved the game was finally over. They were all ready to go in and have some warm hot chocolate. Everyone was relieved that it was a quick match wanting to get inside before their noses caught frostbite. Clara and the Ravenclaw team went into the changing rooms all promising to themselves to have a warm bath or shower once they got to their dorms. Quick to change out of her robes and into the warm dry winter school robes She rushed out with her bag hanging on her shoulder. She liked to be quick and shower first before the dorms were too crowded. Luckily being a prefect she had the nicer bathroom to relax herself in. Reaching the entrance to the the prefect private bathroom Clara slipped in to the quite spacious room. Changing out of her soaked and weighted winter robes. Wearing a towel around her and making the large tub just the way she liked it she slowly lowered herself into the warm waters that enveloped her body letting her numb fingertips and soaking wet feet relax. Taking out a book knowing only a select few would be able to come in, Clara relaxed as she slumped her shoulders. Soaking her body she heard the flutter of paper. Looking a paper bird flapping its triangular wings glided towards her before landing on edge of the bath. Setting her book down in the side she picked up the origami bird and unfolded its creases. Written on the paper it simply said
Meet at usual place @ 8
It was a simple message but she knew this wouldn't be a normal meet up he never sends a note. Checking the time it was a quarter to 6. Slipping out of the cooling bath she grabbed her dry towel and cleaned herself off before placing on her winter robes once again and exiting out of the bath making sure to drain it. Going to the dining hall she continued to read easily maneuvering through the halls. Taking a seat at the Ravenclaw table she sat at the end hoping to be unnoticed. However, she would be surely talked by her team and best friends and the Ravenclaw students would all cheer her name. She never quite liked the attention but she just gave a smile and thanked them. Thankfully the food appeared grabbing everyone's attention as they all scrambled to take a seat and grab their favorite foods. Clara continued to read waiting for the others to finish getting their first servings before beginning to grab a simple dish of fried noodles with delicious sauce mixed with bak Choi, thin slices of beef, carrots, mushrooms, and more. This dish always reminded her of home. The crunch and the brown gravy that softens the fried noodles as time passes. Soon finishing her dinner she gave a quick glance to the dinning table to find Malfoy picking at his food as his eyes are focused on her. His eyes widened  before jerking his head down and taking a single fork full of his steak. She continued to watch him before within seconds she saw a spark and turned to it. Clara found nothing there but left on the corner of the table was her favorite dessert a molten lava cake but instead of regular chocolate inside there was Nutella. Ify in her shy sweet voice in her mind said Congratulations and enjoy
I smiled at her gift and took the small plates dessert neatly cutting it and pulling a piece out the liquified steamy warm Nutella insides were flowing out of the freshly baked molten lava cake. The sweet dark chocolate syrup drizzled on made the moist cake delicious and the Nutella sweet creating a puddle around the left over cake. Savoring the taste of her reward, enjoying each bite. Checking the time once more it was only 7:20 but she stood after finishing her well deserved dessert and walked out to the Room of requirements to start her work. Her steps steady and calm taking turns in the old hallways of the legendary school. Reaching the door she simply went to her sanctuary safe space. However, instead of meeting the small table and galaxy design chair, she was met with a beautifully candle lit on a small circular table and a single white rose that was held in a small glass vase. Suddenly someone hugged her from behind. She tilted her head to see the person better to only find a mess of platinum blonde hair on her shoulder. "What's all this?" Clara asks.
"A small little celebration for just the two of us," he said earnestly.
"Didn't Slytherin lose?" She said with a smile.
"Hmm, but you won," he said as he gives her a peck on the lips and walks toward the table. "You seem to be romantic," she announced.
"Oh, my dear you are going for a surprising ride if you think this is romantic," he says with his signature smirk.
"Oh? Dare I say what ride I will be going on?" Clara questions.
"I believe a long one," he replies. Clara surprised by this settles down and gives a warm smile before walking over to him where he pulled out her seat and pushed her in with ease.
"I know we already had dinner, so we will only be having some dessert," He says.
"Mmm, my favorite meal of the day," Clara responds as she eagerly awaits for what dessert he will serve.
"I see my darling has a sweet tooth," he says with an adoring smile.
"Oh, I definitely have a sweet tooth so if you hold back that dessert any longer I just might have to end this here and now," she said with anticipation but jokingly.
"Heheheh, well we can't let that happen can we," He says before taking out the very expensive but well decorative dessert a small cake with thin strings of hardened sugar like a halo around and somehow staying held above the cake. There were white chocolate wings like and angel but the intricate patterns in the frosting was beautiful she almost didn't want to eat it. She also knew this was the famous angel cake that came out at Sweet Hearts a famous bakery and desserts place that is expensive and even harder to get a personal cake from. Malfoy must have needed to go through a lot of trouble for this. Clara looked at the cake and looked at Malfoy who was watching her as she marveled at the cake. "Shall we try it?" He says with a hint of mischief in his eyes. Clara nods slowly as she carefully watches him cut the cake. Citing it clean in half with the sugar halo crumbled he pulled the two halves apart to fin there was a honey duke chocolate ball in the center but that was not all as it separated the cake from the honey and butter beer syrup within that melted the chocolate and cake pouring out a mixture of gold and brown mixing in swirls. She was bewitched by the beauty it was not just the regular angel cake. "How? This is a personally made cake from Sweet Hearts" she said in shock.
"This is nothing I was going to do something bigger but one of the chefs is a close friends to my family," he replied.
"Really, you know a famous patissier from The Sweet Hearts Desserts shop," she asked.
"Well yes she was returning a favor anyways," He said nonchalantly but seemed to be annoyed but this "she."
Taking the small fork she took a piece of the cake that had soaked up the syrup and chocolate and placed it in her mouth. The cake rich yet soft and buttery. The cake itself was not too sweet as the syrup and chocolate enhanced the flavors with the small broken pieces of sugar adding a small surprise of coldness. Clara's eyes widened in delight before grabbing a another piece but this time pushing it towards Malfoy's mouth. Surprised he looked at her before softening and took a bite. She watched wanting to see if he would taste the same thing she did. "It's amazing, right?" She asked.
"Yes," his eyes never leaving her.
"The sweetness of the syrup balanced perfectly with the chocolate and the cake was not sweet which helped only enhance the chocolate and syrup. Then the surprising cold touch of the sugar pieces," she described unable to hold back as she took another bite.
"Hehe, well I'm glad it appeases to you because this cake is named after you," He said.
"Haha, Malfoy your kidding right?" She asked looking at him seriously.
"Well, that took pulling some strings but since they all tasted it and they would never go against a Malfoy, it is now named Clara," He explained.
"Malfoy, that is too much," Clara states with a look that can only be seen as a scolding mother. Taken aback by her tone and reaction he looked st her with wide crystal ice blue eyes.
"I don't need you to impress me with your money, your connections or impress the world through these great big signs of affection towards me. I am also a very simplistic person so please do not buy me hordes of expensive jewelers or I will choke you with them," she threatens.
"Okay," was all he could say. Blinking not comprehending what just happened.
"But thank you for the cake it's delicious but please change the name back to angel I'll still know that it was personally made for me," She says as she smiles at him and gives peck on his lips. However, Malfoy was not satisfied as he pulled her into his lap and dove into her lips passionately. He loved the sweet fast of the syrup and chocolate on her lips. He couldn't get enough as he sucked on her lower lip. She pulled away heavy breaths and red puckered lips that only looked more inviting. "Well as much as that was sweet I think we should finish up the sweet dessert first," she says as she tries to be reasonable. Yet when she tried to stand Malfoy's hands were firmly on her hips pulling her back down onto his lap. "No need to go back to your seat Darling, let's finish the dessert together shall we?" He said with a small smirk as he kept on hand on her hip and the other grabbing for the plate. "My hands are full so you are just going to have to feed me," Malfoy said with a smirk. Clara could only roll her eyes before picking the small fork up and slicing it through the cake and puncturing it as she says "fine say ahh,". She said treating his as baby. He smiles enjoying it and opens his mouth. Just as he was at the fork she pulled away and shoved it in her mouth not liking his cheesy and flirtatious ways. He watched her with an evil spark as she continue to munch but what she
Didn't see coming was Malfoy kissing her again taking away the cake in her mouth little by little with his tongue.
Realizing his little trick after catching her breath and finding him chewing she hit him angry and turned away as she shoved another piece of cake in her mouth and covering her mouth with her hand so he would be able to kiss her. He laughed at her antics and licked his lips as she munched.
He was enjoying tonight more than he enjoyed anything else. As he watched his Angel.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2020 ⏰

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