Chapter 7

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"Mrs. Conoroy, the president wants you down in the Oval Office," Liza said through the heavy, wooden door.

"Okay," P said coldly, looking at herself in the large mirror that hung over her dresser. Her usually sharp, kind, deep brown eyes seemed dull. After watching the footage of Noel Nichols singing happy birthday to Bobby a few nights before, P hadn't slept well. Bobby had taken advantage of his being in New York and done a bit of campaigning to support the urgency of the UK to give up as much money as the US was in aide. The countries in the Middle East destroyed by Mohammed's reign needed help, and Bobby felt it was the developed countries' responsibilities to offer up relief.

Because of his extended trip, P hadn't seen her husband in a few days. She hadn't had the chance to talk to him about the performance and how absolutely disgusted and mortified she was. Luckily, upon her insistence, it wasn't being aired as part of the footage available to the public. However, even though the press and public wouldn't get ahold of it- her friends, peers, and everyone the first family associated with had been at Bobby's party. They all saw it. And she was humiliated.

P clipped a strand of pearls around her neck and brushed a few stray hairs from her wine colored, sleeveless dress. It left room for her growing stomach to breathe. P had become increasingly worried about the stress the past months had put on her baby, and the last month of her pregnancy couldn't go by fast enough.

P clicked down the steps, exiting the quiet residence. Ben had started preschool in the White House solarium just like his sister had, and Mannon had moved on to kindergarten at Sidwell Friend's School, an elite private school many children of presidents had attended, which was more than willing to work with the secret service.

P walked briskly along the covered pathway that connected the residence to the Oval Office. Brightly colored leaves blew across the green grass and the flowers were beginning to shrivel in the cold air. October was nearly over, putting P in the last month of her pregnancy and the one year anniversary of Bobby's election was nearing. His success with the aide issue was crucial to his presidency and approval ratings.

The First Lady opened the back door to Bobby's office and drew the eyes of a few important cabinet members seated around the small living space set up in the Oval Office. Bobby, seated at his favorite blue arm chair stood and smiled. "Thanks for coming, P."

She nodded silently and took an open seat next to the Secretary of Treasury, a friendly, grandmotherly woman with stern eyes. She was aware Bill Riley was in the room, but completely ignored his presence.

"We are dialing London now," an aide said from the door way. Bobby nodded and waved him away before situating himself on his chair.

Everyone turned to the large TV hanging on the wall opposite from Bobby. The black screen was suddenly filled with the image of another room, the prime minister of Great Britain's office. P didn't recognize some of the men in the room, but her face brightened when she saw a familiar face in a red dress.

"Hello Prime Minister, Your Majesty," Bobby greeted.

"Thank you for agreeing to meet via satellite, I'm ill and am unable to fly for the time being," the Prime Minister said graciously.

"Hello, Mrs. Conoroy," Poppy said with a wave.

"Your Majesty, are you feeling well?" P asked with a coy smile at her friend.

Poppy nodded. "Yes, I wanted to thank you again for the flowers."

"Of course."

"Alright, Mr. President, we have a very important matter to discuss," the Prime minister said coolly.

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