Heavenly Inquisitor

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Bobby bit his lip as he processed this last bit of information.

Yes, he knew it wasn't nice to eavesdrop on the boys, since they were living. But Ash knew every trick in the book, and Bobby would be damned if he didn't help his boys, even from beyond the grave.

As he sauntered back into the Roadhouse, Ellen greeted him with a glass of whiskey. "How are our little troublemakers today?"

Bobby laughed, and then sobered up. "Apparently, Cas got his grace back, but his mortal soul is in Heaven or Hell."

Ellen yelled back to the mullet-haired man seated at the computer, "Ash, can you trace Cas' human soul?"

"Sure can. He's- oh, here he is!"

At that moment, the door opened with a jingle of bells, and Cas walked in.

"Cas! Good to see you, boy!" Bobby patted him on the back.

"Bobby? I am dead, aren't I? Is Dean okay?" Cas asked, chewing on the inside of his lip.

Bobby chuckled. "Yeah, you're in Heaven with the rest of us. They brought back your grace, though, so your angel self is alive, just without any human memories. Hopefully, whenever your angel-half visits, he'll collect you and you can be one piece again."

Cas nods, and Bobby studies him. "C'mere, Cas. I got a few questions for you." Bobby sits at a table, and Cas joins him.

"How do you feel about Dean?"

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