Missing You

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"It's been ten days? But I was only in Heaven for ten minutes!"

"Heaven time must be different than Earth time, then. It doesn't matter. I just- I was worried about you, Cas. I thought you were dead."

Cas looks taken aback. "Why would you be worried?"

"Because I... I care about you, Cas! I don't want you to die again. That was way too painful the first few times." Dean decides let it all out, all the hurt and the worry and the love he feels.

"Ever since I first met you, I knew you were all I wanted. And I tried, man. I tried to forget about you, to want something less impossible, but I never really felt anything like what I felt around you. And you have to stop with the martyr act, okay? Yes, we need you. I- I will never stop needing you. I-" Dean is interrupted by Cas, holding a finger against his lips.

"It's okay, Dean. You don't need to say it."

"But it needs to be said!" Dean argues. Cas enjoys the feel of Dean's lips against his finger, and then replies,

"You've already said it. I do try to listen to what you tell me, Dean." Cas reminds him.

Dean is slightly disappointed when Cas takes his finger off.

Then, Cas doubles over in pain.

"Cas? Cas, what's wrong?"

Cas doesn't answer.

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