Two Will Become One (One Way Or Another)

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Cas knows he only has a very limited time frame to find himself if he's going to get out of Heaven alive.

So, he'd better go to Ash first.

He flies to the Roadhouse.

"Good to see you, boy!" Ellen greets him. "Your other half is in the back, sitting with Bobby. They're having a nice little chat about Dean, I'd wager."

Cas nods in thanks, and quickly spots Bobby at a table.

Approaching that table, he sizes himself up.

'Don't know what Dean saw in human me.' he thinks to himself.

He's clad in jeans, a button down white shirt, and a blue Gas N Sip vest.

"So, you're me?" he asks himself.

"At your service." Human Cas responds, in his gravelly deep voice. "I assume you want to retrieve your human memories, correct?"

He nods.

"Well, you can't take me- I'm a human soul, so I'm stuck here. But I'm also you, so if you take my hand, we can pool all our memories." Human Cas offers his hand to Cas.

Hesitantly, he clasps his hand.

Immediately, a torrent of memories pelt him like rain. It takes all of his willpower not to collapse under the sheer weight of over a year of memories forced upon him.

Human Cas lets go of his hand, and pouts. "You kissed Dean? How come I have to miss all the good stuff?"

Cas curls his upper lip away from his teeth. "Dean is mine. Not yours. You had your chance, and you missed it. Now, you have no right to him. You are free to stay at the Roadhouse, but if you so much as come near him when he joins everyone here, I will drag your ass straight down to Hell. I'm sure some demons wouldn't mind torturing you for a few centuries. Do I make myself clear?"

Human Cas' eyes widen. "Crystal. I think I'm correct in assuming you have to leave?"

Cas glances at the clock on the wall. it's been ten minutes. He has to get back to the bunker, pronto.

As he exits the Roadhouse, Human Cas calls out to him, "Enjoy the trip down memory lane!"

As he flies at the speed of light, back to the bunker, he notices a streak of blue/white light tailing him.

Making a sharp turn to shake the angel, he lands and enters the safety of the bunker's boundaries.

Dean is in his bedroom, drinking coffee as he stares into space morosely.

"Hello Dean. I'm back- I got my human memories." Cas greets, and Dean's head jerks up at the sound of his voice.

Wordlessly, Dean stands and gets really close to Cas, heart-poundingly close.

He slams his lips into Cas', and Cas wraps his arms around Dean's neck. the intensity of the kiss confuses Cas.

As Dean pulls away, he slaps Cas, hard, in the face.

"What was that for?" Cas asks.

"How long do you think you've been gone?" Dean answers his question with a question.

"I don't know, a half-hour at most?" Cas answers.

"It's been ten days, Cas. We- I thought you were dead." Dean looks him in the eyes, and Cas can see the haunted quality very clearly now.


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