"What am I..?"

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I was walking to Luce's house excitedly because I finally have the guts to tell her how I feel. Happy was the first to find out and happily volunteered to stay with Wendy and Carla until after the job I picked out for this week. I have been waiting since the end of Zeref's war to tell her, but for once I've kept my patience and waited for the right moment, which will be sometime during our job... hopefully. I caught Lucy's scent and kinda got a little too excited. So, I started running to her house, which wasn't that far now. Suddenly, I had to stop at the sound of something I had heard many times but despised it the more I heard it. Lucy screaming in pain. I lost it and by losing it, I mean I burst into flames for a moment then started sprinting to her house. Once there, I broke through her window and landed inside.

After coming inside I don't remember what happened at all, but when I came to, I was sprawled out on the floor with a splitting headache. I sat up dizzily to see Lucy in a corner scared out of her mind, and curled up in a little ball, staring at me. I was worried about her so I tried to call her name but it came out like a growl, which made her flinch and tighten her grip around her legs. The sound I made confused me but I was stupid enough to ignore it. I started to crawl to her when I caught a glimpse of my hand as I put it out in front of me. I jumped back in shock and stared in horror at my own hands or, whatever they were now. The realization came to mind of what Lucy was so afraid of.


I still don't understand why, but Luce started to crawl towards me. She was very hesitant, but still kept crawling to me. I wondered if she even knew who I was. As she got closer to me I started to say something but before I could, I remembered how I sounded the first time I tried. Luce sat a couple of feet from me and asked if I was ok. Instead of trying to tell her, I came up with the idea to mimic writing on a piece of paper with a pen. She was smart enough to understand what I meant and got up to get the objects. Once back, she handed them to me. I took it from her slowly so she wouldn't jerk away and started to try to write. Once I was finished, I handed the paper to her.

After reading the paper Lucy said, "No..." and looked at me with a little confusion and fear in her eyes.

I had written, "Do you know who I am?" I gestured for the paper back and she gave it to me.

I, then, added, "It's me, Natsu.". Luce had crawled behind me and was reading over my shoulder 'cause she yelled my name right in my ear. That hurt for sure. I rubbed my ear as I nodded slowly, afraid of what Lucy was going to do next. It took her a minute to process who I was, but eventually, she crawled in front of me and hugged me tightly.

After a few seconds of hugging Luce looked up at me and said, "You're going to pay for my window, you know that right?" I looked at her with confusion at first but then I started to laugh and fall on the floor.

She let go of me as I fell and said in a baby voice, "I'm sewieous!" After a few minutes of making fun of her, she got serious and started to ask me questions. I stopped laughing and grabbed the paper and pen, which was still on the floor next to me. I tried my best to keep up answering her questions but it was hard and I kinda missed a few. I asked my string of questions and she answered. Once finished, she started to stare at me, which, to be honest, scared me a little. With a quick movement, she poked my adams-apple with her fingernail, which hurt!

So, I responded like any normal person would, "Ow! Luce, that hurt!" I started rubbing my neck and glaring at her, but she just sat there with the sweetest smile on her face. I realized that she understood what I said.

"How did you do that?!" I asked as I got closer to her face excitedly, "How did you know to poke there?"

After a moment of silence, she replied with a guarded face, "I-I don't know.. I j-just figured something was wrong with your voicebox, s-so I figured poking your neck would f-fix it." I know Luce was lieing but I didn't push her to tell me the truth 'cause when she does lie, she usually has a good reason for it. I kinda glared at her to see if she would tell me on her own but sadly didn't.

"Well Miss Smarty-pants, do you have an idea of how I turned into this... this THING?" I asked pointing at my head, back, and butt, which now has horns, wings, and a tail. She nodded but wouldn't meet my eyes, which kinda surprised me. Then I got on all fours and started to kinda yell at her to tell me why but she just looked away and shook her head. I was semi-mad and confused, but I was more worried about why she wouldn't tell me. This wasn't like her at all.

"Luce," I asked worriedly, "Is something wrong?" She wouldn't answer me so I kept on asking her and asking her, but she still wouldn't give me a firm answer. That worried me.

She finally said in a small voice, "I... can't tell you...... just yet...." I was curious about what she meant by "just yet", so I asked her.

She looked me straight in the face with a worried look and said, "You can find out tomorrow, along with everything else..." then she mumbles in a bearly audible voice, "I just hope you don't leave me as all the others have...". I have no idea how I heard her but when I did I grabbed her shoulders and made her look at me.

"What do mean that others have left you because of this? Who has left you, Luce?!" She looked frightened by the sudden action and tried to break free but I wasn't about to let her go, not until she told me who had left her so I could pound them into the ground.

"Natsu Dragneel!! Let go of me this instant!!" The fear in her voice shook me out of my anger. I let go of her instantly and she started to rub her shoulders where I had grabbed her. The worst nightmare achieved. I hurt Lucy.

I started crawling backward away from Lucy with a frightened face and started to mumble, "I-I h-hu-hurt you... I h-hurt h-her... I-I h-hurt Lucy... " I kept on mumbling to myself until I bumped into her bed, then I just stopped breathing for a moment because I was so afraid of what I had just done. I had just hurt the person I love.

"L-Luce..," I started to say in a small voice, "I-I'm so sorry... I d-didn't mean to h-hurt you.." Lucy looked at me and saw the fear in eyes and heard it in my voice. She looked very worried.

"N-Natsu? What's wrong? Y-You look scared..." She started crawling toward me when I screamed, "NO! I might hurt you again!! Stay away!!" I covered my face with my arms, closed my eyes and pulled my knees closer to my chest. Now, Lucy was mad. She threw herself to me, and I had opened my eyes just in time to see her. I caught her when she came in close enough for me to do so.

Then she looked at me while still in my arms and said, "See, if you were going to hurt me you wouldn't have caught me. You would've let me fall onto the floor or hit the bed, but you didn't, Natsu." She got out of my arms, sat down in front of me, and put a hand on my cheek.

"You wouldn't hurt me on purpose, I know that." She moved the hand that was on my cheek and put it in my hair to ruffle it. That annoyed me and got me out of my fear, so I grabbed her hand and pinned her down to the floor playfully like I normally would.

She looked up at me kindly and said, "There's the Natsu I know."

"Here I am!" I replied playfully.

Soon after that happened, Lucy made me realize that I haven't had clothes on this entire time. She surprisingly had some clothes from some other time I had stayed the night and let me wear those. Luce had to cut holes in my vest and pants so my tail and wings wouldn't be squished under my clothes. It was kinda embarrassing when she had to cut the hole for my tail since it was right at my butt but she didn't seem to realize. When I looked outside, I realized how late it was. While coming to Luce's house, before I blacked out, it was bearly noon. How long did I blackout?! Soon enough, Lucy said she was going to sleep so I asked if I could sleep in her bed. She stood in the doorway of her living room for a moment, thinking.

Then she replied," It's not like you haven't slept in my bed with me before, right? So yeah, you can sleep with me tonight." I was ecstatic! This was the first time Luce LET me sleep with her!

"WOOHOO!!" I screamed as I jumped around the room. She just walked into her room watching me act like a child on Christmas with a smile on her face. Once we got settled in bed, it was kinda awkward at first but soon Luce went to sleep and then, not long afterward, I followed her into Dream-land. Well... I believe the correct term is Nightmare-land.

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