Her voice

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Once we got there Luce sat me down and ran off into the woods for a moment. I wasn't worried about it because I know she wouldn't break her promise that easily. All of a sudden, I hear a dragon's roar and turned around in time to see Lucy pounce on top of me.

"Luce? Hey, Luce? Lucy!" I kept yelling her name to get her attention but she wouldn't answer me. All she did was growl at me and hold me down. When she looked at me I noticed her eyes weren't normal. They looked small, fearful, and dull. She was acting like a wild animal and I had just stepped foot into her territory. Huge mistake. Lucy was holding my wrists again and sitting on my stomach, so my hands and feet were useless, and her wings wrapped around us both. She stopped growling and looked off to the right, through her wings, which gave me a chance to pin her down. I used all the strength I could and pushed her arms up with my wrists and rolled over on top of her.

She let go of my arms, so I grabbed hers. I climbed on top of her as she did to me so she couldn't use her legs, her wings still wrapped. I knew I wouldn't be able to keep her down for long so I tried talking her out of this state. Even tho I had flipped her over she kept looking the same direction as before, no matter how much I talked to her. I kept saying things that would've gotten her out of rage and craziness before. She finally looked at me and with a swift movement, I was back on the bottom. She was staring at me harshly as I tried to break free of her grasp again.

    After a few minutes of struggling I stopped since I figured out it was useless. I couldn't get out of Lucy's grip unless she let me go, willingly. She started growling again and got closer to my face. She was so close, that I could feel her breath and the tip of her nose touch mine. I blushed at the contact and wouldn't look at her eyes but I didn't move. She stopped growling and just kept staring at me, with a confused look. She backed her face off of mine, stopped holding me down and got up.

I sat up and watched her as she flicked her tail in a way that told me she had found prey. I'm glad I wasn't the thing she was looking at because she attacked faster then I ever was, and claws extinded. I didn't get to see what her victim was since it was too far into the forest.

When she came back tho, she was coming from the waterfall. I wonder if she had lost control when she used her wings and that's why she had attacked me. But Lucy was stronger than that. I heard a leaf crunch behind me and I wasn't fast enough to dodge whatever was attacking me. Luce grabbed me from behind and flew into the trees. Before she took off I felt something graze my foot. She must have noticed it as well because within a second of landing she had a hold of my ankle and was examining the cut. I guess it wasn't serious, so she wrapped it with a leaf or two but wouldn't let me walk.

We stayed in a tree not far from camp but Luce wouldn't let me get near there. It was as if she was too scared to leave me alone or to get anywhere close to the site. I sat across from her as she made, what I think was, a flower crown. I hadn't seen one before, let alone a hand-made one. Once completed, the crown was placed on my head, of course. I hadn't realized it at first but Luce was wearing one as well. My eyes went from her head to her eyes. They had gone back to normal, giving off their natrual warm glow. I looked at the rest of her to see that her claws, horns, and tail had disappeared. Her wings were out but folded behind her.

"Luce?," I asked quietly. She reacted to her name this time and looked at me.

"Are you going to break your promise, and not tell me what happened to you for the past 11 days, or talk to me?" Her face turned sad and she turned away. I believe she was trying to say something but it came out in a small noise. With the sudden realization of why she'd been growling and not speaking, I remembered what Luce did to me when I couldn't talk. I scooted closer to her and poked her neck where she had done to me. It surprised her at first but eventually caught onto what I did.

"Natsu, I believe you finally have some gears turning in there." She said as she put her hand on my head.

"Hey! At least I remembered and did something instead of leaving you voiceless." I replied harshly.

"I'm kidding, jeez! Plus, if you had left me like I was then you wouldn't have known where I've been." She said as she ruffled my hair.

"Stop that!" I grabbed her arm and took it off my head but didn't let go.

"But, thank you, Natsu." She let go of my hand and pulled me into a hug.

"You're welcome!" Luce let go of me.

"But why did you go insane earlier?"

She look puzzled and said, "Insane? I never went insane, I only lost my voice." I looked at her questionaly. *Had she already forgot about her pinning me down?*

I pointed slightly to the campsite,"Then what happened then...?"

"If you're talking about when I pinned you down, it was to protect you from some wizards that had found this place." It took me a second to process what she just told me.

"Y-you… w-were….. protecting me... from… wizards..… But... I'm supposed to protect you!"  She sighed and looked at me.

"You don't understand, idiot. Whenever you transform the first few times, your powers go absurd and won't do what you tell them to for a couple weeks. You couldn't have protected me in the state your in, even if you wanted to. But you probably would've tried to anyway, wouldn't you?"

I stared at her blankly because she was right, but I hadn't told her anything.

"Well duh!" I replied childishly. She sighed once again.

"Well, I believe they're gone now, so we can go back to camp." She spread her wings once again, picked me up and we went to the bed she made the first time around.

Her Secret (Nalu fanfiction) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now