Explanation time!!

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I started to get hungry and tried to get up to get some food but found that I couldn't use the foot that had been sliced.

"Ow!" I cried as I fell on my butt.

"Hm?" Lucy looked at me and saw what I tried to do. Her wings were no longer visible, which made her look like her normal self.

"Baka. I kept trying to tell you earlier not to get on that foot since it was hit with poison," she said as she rewrapped my foot with new bandages that she had.

"P-Poison?! Why haven't you took me Wendy so she can heal it?!"

Annoyed, Luce looked at me and answered, "Because this poison is different. You can't heal it as you would normally. She wouldn't be able to help, only make it worse."

"And how do you know?" She crawled next to me.

"That poison caused the scar on my cheek." She answered quickly. I was stuck staring at the scar for a few moments.

"O-Oh... Does this mean I am going to have a scar on my foot now?" I thought aloud

"No, you won't. I treated it fast enough to were it won't scar up. Whenever I first got the wound I had no idea it was a poison. Not until it started spreading through me…. But that will be explained when I get to that part."

"What do you mean? Are you going to tell me what happened while you were gone?" I asked excitedly.

"I will.. after you tell me what you and the guild have been doing." I hate it when she does something like this. Always has a catch when something is serious.

So, I told Lucy everyone's been worried about her and how I fixed up her house and window while she was gone. I skipped the part where Mira is going to make me tell her the truth about why I came over that day. Luce just listened and stared into the sky. I lit the fire, the old fashion way since it was getting dark. Once I finished we sat in silence for a moment staring into the now stary sky.

Finally, breaking the silence, I exclaimed, "Say something already! It's not like you to be quiet and it is freaking me out!" That broke her glare from the sky onto me.

"I," she began agitated," was thinking about what to start with since a lot has happened while I was gone."

"How about starting when you left?" I offered, equally annoyed.

"Fine." Lucy sat up and faced me, beginning her side of what happened.

"I woke up while it was still dark and noticed my form had left. I got up like I normally would after a transformation. I got ready and checked up on you every once in a while. I got some food and water with the help of Sagittarius and left it out with your clothes. I used the pen and paper from the night before to write that letter and… left, not long after." She trailed off on the last few words seeming apologetic. In the beginning, I thought Luce wanted to leave but hearing her talk about when she left, I could tell she regretted doing so.

She continued, "After about three or four hours of walking, I came across another clearing the forest and set up camp there."

"Wait," I rudely interrupted, "you're saying you were only about a five or six-hour walk from the guild?! Why didn't you just stay in Magnolia? Stay at the guild? With me and everyone else?" She wouldn't meet my eyes and continued her story, completely ignoring my questions.

"After getting more food and water that I figured would last me a few days, I began training."

Training? I thought Luce had to do something outside of Magnolia. I asked her about it but, once again, I was ignored. She kept on telling me about her training, attacks, attackers (who gave her the scar and tried to poison me), and new powers.

"I figured out that with the transformation you get new powers and your old ones get amplified a ton! That's why our powers go outta whack the first few times. I'll teach you how to get your powers back once you're done with transforming."

"Do you know when I'm going to transform again?" I asked curiously.

"Yep! Next year, same month, same date."

"How do you know? Is it like that for you? What if I'm different?"

"Your's are the same because my first time was the same as yours. Now save your questions for the end and let me finish explaining. Sheesh!" I went quiet and listened as she continued.

"Anyway, by the time of your next transformation, I might be able to control my powers." She snickered at the thought of accomplishing something before me. There was no way I was going to let Luce one-up me!

"Why don't you teach me too, while you're teaching yourself?" "Because," she replied quickly, "you're not ready yet. If you were I would teach you but I can't yet." I hate it when someone tells me "I'm not ready yet" and she knew that. I didn't argue with her since she was serious and there's no talking her out of something when she's like that.

"When will I be ready?" She looked me straight in the eyes and I returned the glare.

"Probably next time actually, but don't get your hope's up. I'm not that great at telling when someone's ready or not."

"COOL!! I'll be close to your level of magic then, right?" I exclaimed. Lucy gave me the most "Are you kidding me?!" glares ever.

"Have you forgotten that I have transformed over 10 times already? Or have I just not told you yet? It doesn't matter. You've only transformed once. It'll be a while till you get on my level, Natsu. Sorry."

"E-eh?" I was deadpanned."…. !!! TEN TIMES?! But that would mean you were stronger than me! FIGHT ME!!" I was so confused, mad, and stupid. Why did I demand to fight her? I still don't know.

She looked away, closed her eyes, crossed her arms, and said, "I'm not going to fight you, ya idiot. I would hurt your man's pride, or whatever it's called if I won. Plus, it would be too much of a hassle when I have to carry you back to the guild." I'm pretty sure she was trying to be irritating and it worked.

Her Secret (Nalu fanfiction) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now