The note

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Sorry about the sucky photo. I couldn't find one that represented this chapter very well, so I created my own! Tada~...
I know it's terrible, sorry.
After about an hour of Lucy being gone, she was back with clothes for both me and her, a towel and a pile of paper and a pen. She gave me the clothes and a towel and pointed to the waterfall. She wanted me to take a shower again! I took the things she offered me with rudeful playfulness and headed over to the waterfall to do what she asked.

By the time, I was back Lucy had finished cooking the meat and set it out on another leaf, along with the water. I sat down in front of it and started to eat it. Halfway done I looked at Luce, who was laying down on her back next to me, wings folded, tail flicking peacefully and noticed she was looking up at something. I followed her gaze to see the stars in the sky. I stopped mid-bite and stared at the night sky, lit up by the stars and Moon. For some reason, the Moon looked reddish tonight, tho. Lucy shoved a piece of paper in my face, and I took that as a sign to read it.

"Stop drooling on your food. It's gross. And the moon is called the Blood Moon, by the way. Hence the color." I read aloud.

I looked over at her after finishing reading and asked, "Why is it red tho?" She took the paper back as I wiped my face from drooling. Once she finished writing she gave me the paper again.

"The same reason the sunset/sunrise looks red sometimes."

"Cool... " I muttered under my breath after reading her writing. Luce got up and spread her wings ready to take flight. She looked at me and motioned for me to get on her back. I was hesitant at first but got on anyway. Holding on to her neck, making sure not choke her, I didn't fall off. I looked at her and she smirked without looking at my face, which scared me an even more.

She took off with a dragon's speed and held on to me so I didn't fall off. I let go of Lucy's neck and put my hands on her back to steady myself and look at the sky. Once sitting up, Luce started to do some fancy flying. A couple of loop-de-loops, spins, dives, and barrel rolls. I still think she did that to scare me, mostly but I was never truly sure. After a few minutes of doing so and Lucy laughing her head off at the face I was making, she threw me into the air! I floated for a little bit, after I broke through the clouds, then started falling. I had never fallen from such a hight so I naturally screamed my head off till I landed on something. I know it wasn't a tree or the grass, and still very fearful of what I landed on, I felt around it. Then I felt something very familiar.

I'm surprised I didn't get thrown off right then and there but Lucy did growl at the contact, which made me jump off her. Luckily, she had fast reflexes and caught me before I became a pancake. She held me in her tail the rest of the flight back.

Once we arrived at the camp, Luce got ready to go to sleep, while I finished eating and got ready myself. She had made a bed for herself, but I still had no idea where I was going to sleep. Luce laid down on half her bed, wrapped herself in her wings and went to sleep. I took the opportunity to get in the makeshift bed with her and tried to go to dose off as well, but I couldn't. For once in my life, I was cold.

I tried heating myself, but it wouldn't work. After a while of moving around trying to get warm, Lucy woke up slightly, rolled over, wrapped me in her wings and pulled us closer together. Surprisingly, she warmed me up and within a matter of seconds, I was out. So was she.

The next morning came in a flash of light. I woke up to see the campfire had gone out from last night, there were some clean clothes and food and water. I got up and realized Luce's wing wasn't covering me anymore. I looked at where she was sleeping last night and found a note.

I read it out loud to myself, "Dear Natsu If you are wondering where I am then you remember what I am and what I looked like. I'm going to be gone for a week, maybe longer, to do some things outside of Magnolia. You can head back to the guildhall but don't tell anyone about what happened yesterday. There are some extra food, water, and clothes next to the campfire. It will be a little over a 2-hour walk back to the guild, so I got you some food. I'm sorry that I'm leaving you with a note but I had to go. Don't try to follow me. I left while it was still dark so my sent will be gone. Good-bye Natsu, I will see you in about a week, I promise! Bye~! <3 Lucy" I stared at the letter and tried to process what it said. I wouldn't see my Luce for a WEEK?!

"WHAT THE HECK, LUCY?!?!?! Leaving me with a note as a 'Bye' letter is pretty low!!" I screamed into the wilderness out of frustration.

I looked on the back of the paper to see if she wrote anything else, and found this," P.S. Natsu, If you say that leaving a letter instead of saying bye personally is low then you must not remember the 1-year training trip you took before the war. At least I'll only be gone for a week or so! Bye!" I was at a loss of words from this. Tho I was still angry I was also a little scared now. Lucy had written this letter this morning and still figured I would say something like that.

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