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"Ding dong" doorbell rang. Hari Prakash opened the door. It was NK. He walked straight to his room. Everyone was in the living room and they can only see his back.

Akash felt something wrong as the cloths NK wearing are not the one he was previously wearing. He called out "NK Bhai... where where you?"

Nighter NK stopped nor respond. Akash was confused with NK's actions.

Mami ji: "Let him be Akash. All-day he was like Khushi ji this... Khushi ji than... He must be shocked by knowing the true color of Khushi. And... Everybody let's get some rest... Arnav beta you also go to your room. And forget about that gold-digger once and for all."

Arnav just looked up. How can he forget all those memories? Few hours ago his heartbeat only for her but she rips that heart into pieces.

Everyone was about to leave for their respective rooms but suddenly someone's phone rang. It was NK's. He stopped in his track. His hand trembled looking at the caller name. He was hesitated to attend the call. After 2-3 seconds he attends the call.

NK: "Is everything okay?"

caller: "......"

By hearing the news from caller NK's grip on the phone tightened.

NK: "I will come right away? I am just leaving."

Caller: "......"

NK: "What? A relative? I am her guardian. Isn't it enough..."

Caller: "......."

NK: "okay."

By saying that NK cut the phone. And when he turned around everyone was looking at him with a confused face. He walks straight to Arnav. "Arnav" NK called. Arnav, as well as others, were surprised, cause NK always called Arnav as Nanav and that too with a lot of joy. This is the first time, he called him "Arnav".

Arnav: "What is it NK?" He stands up.

NK: "Khusi ji is in hospital."

Arnav: "What??" Arnave felt like his whole world is crashing.

NK: "That too in critical condition... She needs an oper... " Before NK could continue Arnav clasp NH's shoulder.

Arnav: "NK... What happened to my Khushi... Is she okay? I need to see her now. "

NK s shoveled off Arnav's hands.

NK: "You are the one asking. Khushi ji is in this condition because of you guys." Arnav was like struck by lightning. He can't believe his ear's. Nani who was a silent witness rushed to NK.

Naniji: "NK... please tell me. what happened to Khushi bitiya? We don't under stand anything"

NK: "Nani ji ... Khushi ji tried to commit suicide... No, it can't be called as a suicide. She was already killed by you all. She trusted you all but what did she get back ?.... Betrayal !"

Arnave collects himself back. "NK... How is my Khushi now? I want to see her?"

NK was about to shout back but then he remembered, that it is not the right time. Khushi ji needs urgent help. "Arnav. Khushi ji needs an operation. The hospital needs consent from her family member. If ever you loved Khushi ji please help her."

Arnav: "Just take me to her NK. I will save her at any cost. Let's just go?". NK nodded. Ignoring Payal and others, Akash also joined them. They rushed to the hospital.

Nani ji moved to puja room for praying well being of Kushi when all the others opposed the idea of Arnav still cared about Khushi. Payal sneaked into her room. She hurriedly called her Amma to inform about Khushi's state and Arnave change.

Guptha House

Garima cut the phone call and turned towards Madhumathi (bua ji).

Garima: "Jiji. I think our plan to eliminate Khushi once and for all from our life is failed."

Bua ji: "What? After all that drama that we put on, How is it possible?"

Garima: "Khushi get into some accident and Arnav just went to her... If they reconcile what will happen to us?"

Bua ji: "Don't worry Garima. Khushi will never able to prove her innocence. Who will take her side? She didn't even remember anything?"

Bua ji simile wickedly. Hearing their conversation Shashi, who was sitting in his wheelchair, tried to make some noise. Garima and bua ji heard him. "Look Garima. He is saying, he will help Khushi. Ha Ha Ha.."

Garima walked to Shashi's side. "Shashi ji if you don't want to see your own daughter's life ruined, just keep quiet." She remembers something "Jiji, Don't you think we have to be there, by Khushi's side. At least we have to show how much we cared about her. "

Bua ji: "Absolutely Garima. Hahaha"


Arnav and others reached Hospital. NK lead them to ICU. Arnav's heartbeat raised. Dr. Raj came to them.

Raj: "Are they her family?"

NK nodded. Raj continued.

Raj: "We find some problems in Khushi's brain. She needs an immediate surgery otherwise..."

Arnav suddenly panicked "Dr. I don't care about how much expense it takes. please save her."

Raj: "We will save her Sir. You just have to sign these documents." Raj hand over the paper of concent to Arnav. He signed it without thinking twice. Raj hurried to the ICU.

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