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Next Morning:

Raizadas along with Guptas having breakfast. Payal is helping to serve food.

Nani: "Garima ji... Are you unhappy that Shashi ji is not with us today?"

Garima who was enjoying the food suddenly put on a sad face. "When Shashi ji is in the nursing home how can I be happy. Even if my body is here my heart is with Shashi ji. "

Bua ji: "Yes, Yes ow can we be happy? And Garima what can we do. For his wellbeing, he needs to be in special care."

Nani: "Don't be sad. Everything will be fine."

Garima and Buaji exchanged an evil look. They thought "If Shashi comes here he would try to communicate with Arnav. But now, they have successfully sent Shashi to an old age home."

Nani turned to Payal "Payal. Where is NK? Did he already have breakfast?"

Payal was about to reply but they heard a chit chat from the stairs. And that was NK and Khushi along with Jezz. Jezz is helping Khushi on the stairs. Seeing them every once face changed to anger.

Arnav angrily got up from his seat and walk out. Khushi and Nk sat down on empty chairs. Jezz served Khushi.

Garima who can't stand Khushi clutched her teeth. "How can someone be so shameless. Even after throwing out she came back like a leech?"

Khushi smiled at Garima's comment. She stopped eating and directly looked at the eyes of Garima who was sitting opposite her. "Ha. Seriously. Who is talking about Who?. You are enjoying here by naming some never happened crisis. And calling me leech. "

Garima and Buaji were shocked. But without showing that they tried to act victims "What are you saying? Are you trying to insult us? Are you repaying our kindness this way? Let's go Garima. We can't stay any minutes in here." Both of them studs up.

Payal: faking tears "Akash ji. Look... how my family is being treated. Is this how you all show respect to my family."

Akash: "Stop there Amma and Bua ji. How can you lave when someone said some rubbish? "

Anjali also supported Akash "Yes... Yes... Buaji. She is not someone who can take decisions on our family matters. She is an intruder who came to our house without our consent. Chote will kike her out in a few days."

Garima: "Anjali Beti. We can't take it anymore? When someone like her insulting us, how can we stay here? "

Anjali: Garima ji....

Khushi calmly finishes her breakfast between all this commotion. She wiped her face with a tissue and get up. Khushi turned her head to Jezz.

Khushi: "Jezz... How is the weather in Mumbai? I heard that there are several accidents on the Mumbai highway at rainy seasons like these. I read some were that some accidents happen and they never report those. So that they can avoid getting caught. Buaji, Have you heard anything like that? ."

Bua ji, Garima and Payal were shocked. "Yes, her memories are back..." They thought. They nervously looked at each other. When everyone else failed to notice this change one person clearly saw what just happened. That was Arnav, who was about to leave for office. His instinct told him there is more thing he doesn't know. Or no one ever told.

Khushi smiled and left with Jezz. She has to meet Arjun.

A black luxury SUV pulled over to the Royal residency hotel parking ground. A man in his late 20's walked out of it and ented the hotel. He looked at his phone and saw a message indicating the other party who he meant to meet has already reached the restaurant. He walked to the private space mentioned in the message. His heartbeat became fast. He opened the door. He is not able to trust the sight in front of him. Is he dreaming? No. She is here. The one he is looking for years is at last in front of him. She looked at him. He could not move an inch.

Khushi: "Arjun... Don't you have anything to say?"

Arjun: still in the trance "Khushi... you..." He hugged her.

Khushi told him Everything. Arjun was furious upon hearing everything. But, Khushi able to calm him down and eplainde her plan and needs. Afterward, they left the room.

But a sharp pair of eyes have seen them together. That was Arnav, who was following Khushi from the house. He pulled out his phone and dialed a number.

Arnav: "Aman... I need information on this registration number."

He sent the number to Aman.

"Khushi... What are you? What is your secret?..... I will find out."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2020 ⏰

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