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Khushi continued her story... "Kalindi and her son were very nice to me. She instated that I should move back with them so that we can leave as a family. I tried to resist but slowly I accepted her offer. She was very kind. Abhimanyu was a good brother. He was very caring. They give me the space I needed.

My father was really happy. Most of the family members accepted Kalindi and her son as members of our family. Months passed. My father needed a successor for his company. And My father and the director board wanted me to take over the company. But I was less interested so I told him to give Abhimanyu a chance to prove himself. But Abhimanyu and Kalindi said that they don't want to be part of our family business. They only wanted our love.

Everything was sugar-coated lies.

One day I was leaving for work in the early morning. I saw a Kalindi talking to someone outside our gate. And she was hugging that fellow. I was shoked to see that guy. That was one of my father's friends. I could hear their conversation. I understand that they are having an affair. First I thought I should tell my father about this. But later I thought I should be the one confronting them. And I did that. Kalindi and that guy was very shocked to find me. She begged me not to expose her. But I did not consider that. Then I went to Abhimanyu. The first one I should tell is her son, my step-brother. Without thinking twice I told him about his mother's afire. He was also shocked to hear that. Kalindi also reached his room. The next thing I could remember is something hard-hitting my head and I fall in the ground. I looked up. It was him, Abhimanyu Mehara who hit me. I could hear what he said as I lose consciousness. He said that I should not ruin their plan.

The next day I walk up. I was in some kind of construction building. I somehow escaped from there. But on my way to the police, I was hit by a car. That car was of Guptas. I lost my memories. To avoid getting caught by the police. They pretend that I was their relative.

Now Kalindi and Abhimanu are pretending like I was dead. And I don't have any information about my father. They are telling everyone that my father is sick. "

End of Flashback

NK left the room.

Khushi: "Jezz, Have you met Arjun?"

Jezz: "Yes, I met him briefly today. I did n't tell him about you. All I told him was that I have some information regarding your death?"

Khushi: "What did he say? Did he agreed to meet with you?"

Jezz: "Yes, He agreed to meet tomorrow?"

Khushi: "Good. He is the only person I could trust now. He could help me to get some inside information. And I hope He won't freak out on meeting me in flesh."

Jezz: "Miss, Can we trust him? If he...."

Kushi cut her off... "No jezz. He is my childhood friend. He is like you. He Knows me inside out and he was with me on my rough time. That day of my accident, I was on my way to meet him. If I was able to meet him, Every thing would have been changed. I must trust him"





Abhimanyu: Harshad Arora

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Abhimanyu: Harshad Arora

Arjun: Can Yaman (Parallel Male lead)

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Arjun: Can Yaman (Parallel Male lead)

Arjun: Can Yaman (Parallel Male lead)

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