chapter two

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"oh frick you, the isolation tank?" v complained once he saw where they were headed.

"yes, v. we need your eyes." nurse susie explained for the 1000th time. "besides, you're used to this. we've been doing this for ages."

"it got annoying the third time i was dunked in there. " v murmured as he stared at the big tank with anger. "have you ever tried being thrown into a dark cylinder full of water? i bet not."

he hoisted himself up onto a stool where a few other scientists prepped him for the tank.

"stop acting like a baby, v." susie rolled her eyes as v blew a raspberry at her. "you're so annoying," she murmured.

dr. min cleared his throat. "let's go through our expectations, shall we?" he tapped on his clipboard he seemed to always have on him.

"no." v rebelled.

"i swear— susie just toss him in the tank." dr. min lost his patience and stormed off.

v smirked at what he had done. besides, he had heard the expectations millions of times. the same old ones. don't do this, do that, tell us this, tell us that.

and he had been getting dunked in this thing for years.

at first, he had been willing to cooperate and work. he didn't know any better. he told them everything he saw and did everything they said, like a good boy.

but times had changed, and v was no longer a good boy. he had broken out of his little submissive shell years ago, and he refused to wear it again.

v stared hard at the tank once more before a black cloth slowly covered his eyes and a helmet went over his head.

"this sucks." v complained as he walked the route to the entrance of the tank, though blind. he had memorized every step so he wouldn't need any help.

"v, it's time to go in." a doctor told him as he reached the entrance. the doctor held out a metal plate attached to a long pole, for v to stand on and to get pulled back up with.

v smiled in the general direction of the speaker before jumping straight in, without the plate.

water splashed out everywhere, hitting multiple scientists— and completely soaking susie.

"god, i want to choke him sometimes." susie muttered before walking off to change out of her now-soaked clothing.


"bye yoongi-hyung!!" jimin called out to the black-haired boy mounting his bike.

"bye jimin. i wish i could've stayed longer, but you know my dad has a curfew for me." yoongi complained. "i'm not a baby, i don't know why he has to be like this."

"maybe it's because he's trying to fill the gap your mother left by acting like a mother as well as your dad." jimin blurted.

yoongi sighed, not affected by jimin's blunt statement. "well if that was his intention he wouldn't be spending 90% of his life in that lab."

the boy in front of him pouted. "i'm sorry, yoongi hyung." and gave him a pat on the back. "hey, where's your whistle?" jimin asked suddenly.

yoongi smirked and tugged on a thin yellow thread that wrapped around his neck and slid under his black t-shirt. jimin's eyes followed the string and he noticed the whistle poking at his shirt from the inside and smiled. "i'm glad you finally remembered to bring it."

yoongi scoffed playfully, "i always bring it with me. i don't know what you mean." 

"you better. you never know when something bad happens and you need your whistle. it tells us—"

"—if something goes wrong. i know, i know." yoongi interrupted. "i gotta get home. bye jimin!" yoongi called behind him as he had already started pedaling towards his house.

"bye, yoongi hyung." jimin whispered and waved his arm lazily.

he stood outside the arcade for a minute, watching as the sun disappeared past the horizon and the trees swayed with the breeze. the fresh air moved like silk through jimin's lungs.

"jimin! jungkook is about to beat your high score in space ace!" hoseok peeked his head outside to see the small boy standing before the night sky.

"what? is he out to take all of our high scores?" jimin furrowed his eyebrows and made his way inside.


hi again !!
i sorry if this chapter is a filler, i just wanted to provide more background and also why they have whistles:

jin introduced them after there was the whole maybe-nuclear-bomb thingy (idk man it's late i can't think) so that if anything happened, they could all find each other and make sure everyone was safe and sound.

thank you for reading! please leave constructive criticism <3


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