chapter three

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"everything is scarier in the dark, a short essay on things i'm afraid of." jungkook announced to the class. he heard a few snickers and a few people calling him a baby, but his hyung was sitting on the first row, cheering him on.

he cleared his throat. "though i sound like a child, i fear the dark." he got through the first line and the class erupted in laughter. jungkook felt his hands tremble and he closed his eyes.

inhale, exhale. you can do this, jungkook.

he opened his eyes again, reassured and read aloud boldly. "however, it's not the monsters i fear. it's the way i'm left alone with my thoughts, those ugly things. they torture me and abuse me, how can i sleep then? i keep a light on, to keep me from the darkness. to keep me from my thoughts, which really is the scariest thing a person can be left alone with. it's my mind i'm afraid of. it's my mind that keeps me up at night. it's my mind that chills me to the bone. it's my mind that is my biggest fear." he told the class.

jimin stood and clapped louder than a car crash, completely drowning out the rest of the classroom.

jungkook smiled at the reaction of jimin before he faced the class, all of them on the brink of laughter. again. his heart sunk.

he had just embarrassed himself, in front of the entire english class. again.  great.

"alright class, wasn't that a wonderful essay?" their teacher, who was asleep during the whole thing, had awaken to jimin's loud cheering. he rubbed his eyes and stood from behind his desk.

"okay students, i want you summarize jungkook's essay. i want to see if you were listening." the teacher ordered and the students rolled their eyes, he only did that so that he could know what the essay was about.

lazy teacher, jungkook thought.

a girl's hand shot up across the room. "sir, if you truly love resting so much, why do you assign us so many things when you could be sleeping?"

jungkook let out a dreamy sigh, clara is so smart.

"if i have to suffer working here, you have to suffer being here." he said and the class groaned.

ring!! ring!!

"class is dismissed, have a weekend." the teacher said before sitting back down.

"isn't it 'have a great weekend'?" jimin walked up to jungkook and waited for the younger to grab his books so they could go home, the boys were all sleeping over at jimin's house that night.

"i think that's his way of saying it, hyung. maybe as long as we have one its good enough. if you lower the bar low enough, you'll never get bad results." jungkook shrugged it off and they left the classroom.


hey guys! sorry for the filler, i promise i had better planned but i didn't want to keep y'all waiting

love you all! i'll be back soon!

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