chapter five

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"seriously? but why?" jungkook was holding jimin's landline to his ear, talking with his mother as the boys all surrounded him. "okay mom. i'll be there soon."  jungkook sighed and hung up.

"so?" jimin asked.

jungkook hesitated, "i have to run home."

all the boys groaned. "this happens every time, though." yoongi pointed out.

jungkook rolled his eyes playfully and led them to jimin's front porch to say goodbye. "i'll be back anyways. my mom said i can come right back, so you won't even notice i'm gone." he tried to compensate as he climbed on his bike.

"alright, kiddo." namjoon smiled and ruffled his hair. "whistle?"

"check!" the youngest grinned and rugged on a long, pink yarn that he had made into a lanyard for his whistle.

"stay safe!" jin shouted after him as he biked away. "poor kid. he can't even really enjoy his youth because of his mom." he said to the group once jungkook was out of earshot.

"it's not her fault she's sick." yoongi piped up to defend the maknae's mother.

"well yeah, but—" jin was interrupted by namjoon.

"maybe we should watch a movie? like, a scary one." he suggested.

"what are we? girls?" yoongi mocked namjoon. there was a pause. "can we watch the shining?"

the boys all agreed and went inside, forgetting to listen for a whistle to break through the cold air.

a whistle that rang out that night.


"where's jungkook?" jimin was starting to get anxious. it should only have taken him 20 minutes, it's been an hour."

"don't get all worked up," yoongi spoke to jimin without breaking his glance at the television. "he probably got tired and went to bed."

"or maybe his mom needed him more." hoseok on added.

"right. jungkook s a big boy now, 15 years old. he'll be fine. like yoongi said, he probably just went to bed. it is 10 pm, you know." namjoon agreed.

"you're right," jimin dismissed his worry and went back to watching the show. "he'll be fine."

ring! ring!

"can someone get that?"

jimin volunteered, since it was his house, and answered the call.

"jimin? where's jungkook? i asked him to be home an hour ago." jungkook's mother asked weakly.

"jungkook left an hour ago, ma'am." jimin gulped and his heart started pounding. where was jungkook?

"there's no way." mrs. jeon muttered into the mic. "where is he, jimin?" she sounded worried.

"i'm really not sure, we saw him leave." jimin didn't know why he was trying to calm mrs. jeon when he wasn't calm himself. "should i call the police?"

there was a long pause.


thank you so much for reading this chapter! ily all so much thank you <3

please leave constructive criticism.

-lina :)

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