chapter six

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"ma'am? may i ask why?" jimin tried to keep his calm, but was extremely unnerved by her peace while her own son was missing.

"it hasn't been 48 hours yet." she responded.

the phone was on speaker, so all the boys could hear it. they all shared the same glance, as if to say "what?" silently.

she cleared her throat. "you know, you have to wait 48 hours until you can file a missing case." jungkook's mom noticed the silence and broke it.

"right. but isn't it 24 hours?" namjoon piped up.

"i don't know. i want my boy back but i can't bother the police yet, you know?" the woman on the phone seemed so upset, but she refused to call the police.

"miss, we'll get him back for you." namjoon spoke in perfect korean to his friend's mother.

"thank you, namjoon." you could almost hear her proud smile through the phone.

hoseok, not knowing a word of korean furrowed his brows and leaned over to yoongi. "what are they saying?"

"they're saying they're gonna sacrifice you to get back kook, we just have to find out how." yoongi lied.

hoseok's face dropped. "oh my god." his face was pale as snow before yoongi started laughing. "hyung!!" hobi realized that yoongi was lying and smacked his arm, making yoongi laugh harder.

"not the right moment, boys." jin shut them up and the two boys cleared their throats before becoming serious again.

"mhmm. okay. bye bye now miss, we'll talk soon." jimin said softly into the mic before hanging up.

"well? what happens now?" namjoon murmured the question on everyone's mind aloud.

"we'll go and find him." yoongi suggested.

"isn't that a little dangerous?" jin raised an eyebrow. "we're all young teens, and we don't really know how to do this type of thing."

"we can do our best, because jungkook would do the same for us." namjoon spoke up and turned to walk away.

"where are you going?" hobi yelled after him.

"to get some flashlights," namjoon answered and paused, turned his head back and faced them. "are you coming?"

they all looked at each other for a few moments before all of them, except for jimin, started slowly following the third eldest's footsteps.

"we'll find him." jimin whispered to reassure himself and blew out a big breath. "hey guys wait up!" he ran after them.


forgive me, omg i've been so busy! i'm hosting this talent show for my school with a friend and it's so challenging omg, also i'm reading SUCH a good book and i guess i forgot mine existed!

anyways! glad to be back and i should be updating more regularly now ! :)

-lina :)

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