The Best Kind of Love is the One you Least Expect

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Who would've guessed? One of the first lessons I want to write about (and honestly will consistently write about) is love. 

This one is still ongoing, okay? So bear with me. 

To not give anything away, let's just say, I wasn't looking, nor was I expecting. Though the not expecting thing kinda ties in with the 'not looking', huh. I was not expecting my love to have ever existed in the first place. Someone like him? Didn't think it was possible. Feels so, so good to be true. 

I met him randomly, on a night that was like every other. When I met him, I had no idea that he would have the impact he had. It has almost been a year, and it has been a hell of a year since he's entered. I know, I would've struggled without him. 

This lesson? Is one no one believes until it happens to them. When someone tells you not to look for love, listen to them. Love isn't the kind of thing you search for in people, or in places at 3am in the morning. No. Love finds you. It will find you when you're bare faced and in PJ's. It will find you when you feel as if it never will. It will find you halfway through the year, while you're having the time of your life with your friends. 

And it is supposed to surprise you. Every. Single. Day. The feelings will surprise you, the meeting will surprise you, he/she will surprise you. All of it will. 

So don't limit yourself to types or places. And don't believe everything you hear. I know, that's kind of hypocritical because I'm asking you to believe me. I guess you're believing what you read instead though, so that must be different.

You're not necessarily going to find your person in the mall just because everyone you've met has. You might not find them in a library or a coffee shop. You might find them on the bus, or you might bump into them. Anything is possible. 

My love is unlike anyone I've ever met. I told you, I never thought someone like him existed. I had a type, despite believing types never really existed. I always asked "what's your type of girl?" I know, hypocrite. And, funnily enough, I don't fall into his usual type. I am unlike any of the girls he's ever dated, so we always laugh about how surreal it is that we work so well together. 

Of course, parts of me fall under his type. But overall? I'm not his type. 

Whether you believe your type to be short-tempered, patient or quiet. You will be taken off guard when you realise the person you are in love with/come to fall in love with, is every kind of exception. So don't try and second guess it. You won't be able to. And the more you try and guess, the more out there they will be. The more different and more surprising. That's not really a bad thing though, is it? 

The best kind of love? 

The one you least expect. 

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