Follow Your Heart

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This just sounds terrible without context. It's been.. a while. I almost forgot about this, no lie. (Pretty bad on my side, seeing as I'm the author). You wouldn't believe what has happened. 

But I won't go into that, mainly because it's personal. All you need to know is that, when I say "love as much as you can", I mean, you're going to, regardless of what you choose. Like I am, right now. You know when they say 'love is a choice'? (I can't remember for the life of me whether I say something about that in the previous chapters) It's true. But it's half feeling, half choice. 

Here's what happened. I went from loving someone willingly, and as a choice, every single day, to falling for someone just like that. I jumped that cliff. Dove head first, again. And I don't regret it. I woke up one morning and something inside me clicked. It was like a light going off in my head. 

*Picks up from where she left off a couple months later* *Also changes title of chapter because eh, things change* 

Follow. Your. Heart. OR, your gut instinct. It'll feel the same in the moment. 

When people say "when you know, you just know", I never believed them. I'd think surely it's not that easy. I never had a "when you know, you just know" moment. Then I did one morning and it changed everything. I can't remember whether there was any back and forth in my mind about what to do, I just knew what the end goal was. So, almost a year later, I'm sat here, thinking about how my heart and gut and every single fibre of my being pushed me to do what I needed to do. And I am happy. I'm content, I feel so much better. 

Not all decisions will flow that easily. You might have that back and forth. But it's an instinct, okay? Don't get it twisted. I didn't follow my instinct, I just knew that it was the right thing to do. An instinct isn't that, it's... almost primal. Something you do as a reaction. Even though I barely knew what was going on or what was in store for me, I just knew that I had to do it and that not doing it, wasn't an option. 

So follow you heart. Seriously. Don't doubt yourself in the moment, don't think of 'what-if's' or other alternatives. Your life was pan out exactly as it needs to, and although you may not know where the journey will take you, you will 100% end up where you need to be. That's what you need to have faith in. 

I meant everything I said in the previous chapters. But things are different now, and I'll be writing about someone new. And maybe I'll write about him in the next chapter, or the one after that. But I followed my heart a year ago, and I have never looked back since. 

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Sep 02, 2020 ⏰

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