Expectations will Leave you Disappointed

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This one's depressing, but oh-so true for me. If it's not for you, consider yourself lucky. 

The harsh truth is, when you expect something of someone, you will find that you will be disappointed 8/10 times. When you expect something of yourself, it is different. The factors are within your control, but people are unpredictable. 

This is only about when your expectations are higher than they should be. And honestly? Most of the time they will be. I know mine always are. 

You want to assume the best of everyone. You want to see the good other people fail to see. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. 

But you have to be willing to face the fact that there's a chance, a high chance, that you'll end up being disappointed. It's not you, it's not them. It's human nature. It... can't be helped. It seems stupid, to blame it on something other than us. But as humans? We are full of flaws. 

I expected something I loved dearly to stay with me always, and they left sooner than I ever wanted them to. I expected to stay friends with certain people, and they stabbed me in the back. I expected to have something this summer, but that didn't go my way. I expected a lot of things, and the exact opposite happened. I was disappointed, over and over and over. That's what I've learnt. 

I'm here to tell you, that I know that expecting the best of things will/might inevitably lead me to get hurt and be disappointed. But that's not going to stop me from doing the same thing. 

Regardless of what I've said, I will always expect/wish the best. I will always push myself to see the good in people, even when I struggle to. Everyone deserves a chance, everything does. I'd rather give the benefit of doubt than lose out on a huge thing.

If I had chosen to disregard everything, to expect lowly of people and situations, I wouldn't be happy. I would be pessimistic and hating and it would bring everyone around me down. The thing that most people like about me, is that I am always hopeful. Not blindly stupid, but optimistic. I've told myself time and time again that to better protect myself I just shouldn't have any expectations of people. But that's easier said than done. 

Expectations will leave you disappointed, 8/10 times. That's just how things are. But in return, people expect highly of you, and that's all you can really ask for, huh? 

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