Chapter 17

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Two weeks had passed since Chip had last seen his family. He knew that they had reached Briarwood thanks to some sort of mental message that Xander had given him by some way through the Earth itself. Even since Venjix had taken over the Earth, those that had Element based powers had seemed to grow stronger when it came to contacting someone via their element even if the element was not the same as the person they were 'talking' to. It was one of the few things that weren't affected since Earth had been turned into a wasteland.

Since he had come to one of the last cities on Earth, Chip had begun to see just how much he had taken things for granted such as the feeling for fresh air and the real sun. The Thunder based magical Ranger had only been in Corinth for a short time and he was starting to miss the feeling of real nature and not the fake nature that gave what was left of the human race a small sense of normal life and that they weren't living in a dome.

The thunder based ranger was brought out of his thoughts when he heard a loud 'thud' via his connection with the Earth. Chip could 'see' as his mind went to Briarwood where he 'saw' Mehira on the ground lying on her back in a spread-eagle position. There was a small indent of her body on the ground showing that she had hit the ground with a little force. Chip wanted to out of concerned ask if his niece was alright but he had to remember that he was only seeing what he saw due to his powers as he was not really in Briarwood. But Chip got his answer as a tree root came out of nowhere was heading for the Mehira.

Mehira 'saw' the root and waited to the very last second to move which was rolling on the ground before jumping up into the trees to get a better feel of who was attacking her. Using the skills she had to learn how to listen to the elements and to trust your senses to find where who was attacking you were located.

The Princess listened to the wind as well as the ground and the trees. Learning how to use magic no matter who you were or what your powers were based on required also training your mind as well for if your mind wasn't trained then your magic wouldn't be trained as well.

Chip smiled as he 'saw' his niece block all the attacks that were headed for her before the connection was cut as it was only good for about a minute and could only happen at random.

"Ziggy doing okay?" Dillon asked as he came up from behind Chip.

The Thunder Mystic Force Ranger turned to face the RPM Black Ranger. Chip knew that Dillon cared for Ziggy from the first time he had seen her in the wastelands and had protected her by only bonding with the Black RPM Morpher unless Ziggy was freed from prison.

"She's undergoing her training and what I could 'see' so to speak seems to be doing good." Chip replied as he knew to do to Dillon being a cyborg could pick up on some strange things like the way Chip could 'see' what was going on with other Mystic Force Rangers.

Dillon nodded his head and headed back to his room.

"Say, Dillon, did you ever take a 15-year-old girl out on dinner date and have her overprotective family follow her and you to make sure that you didn't anything to her by glaring at you from one of the tables across the room?" Chip asked know it was now or never to ask what he needed to ask as he had a feeling that Dillon was the young man that had befriended Ziggy and had taken her to dinner and had been followed and only the boy would know about what had happened at the Restaurant as The Thunder Ranger was the one at the table and was the only one that wasn't trying to kill the boy.

Dillon stopped in his tracks as he turned pale at what was just said. Dillon didn't have many memories of his life before Venjix but he did know about Ziggy being the girl he and his sister had to befriend and he had taken out for dinner. He did know about one of her uncles being at a table on the other side of the room glaring at him from time to time.

"So it's true," Dillon replied as he turned around to face Chip with his eyes wide in a rare moment.

The chip couldn't believe his eyes. He had only acted on a hunch as he had only taken a chance that Dillon was the boy as it could have been anyone.

"You remember?"

"Not everything before the implants but from the first time I had met Ziggy I thought that there was something about her that I knew but it was only just recently when you guys were talking about Ziggy being friends with a boy a couple of years older than her that I started to remember parts of my life and the one memory that stood out was me befriending a young girl with VERY protective family members that when I took her out on a dinner date was that they had followed me. I stayed friends with the girl until I had to move. Up until now, I couldn't recall the girl's name until I was told about Ziggy being friends with a boy and his blind sister." Dillon replied to the Thunder Ranger who had his mouth open to the point that a fly could fly in.

"All this time that Ziggy's been looking for the boy that she made friends with and said that she could feel was in the dome was right in front of her." Chip smirked as he knew that his youngest niece was a tiny bit of an airhead but not in a bad way.

Dillon looked at the Yellow Mystic Force Ranger. From the first time, the hybrid had met the man in front of him he felt that he knew him and not based on what was just said he knew. It was like he had met Chip before but thought that it was just his mind playing tricks on him.

"You were one of the guys that were at the table in the restaurant when I took Ziggy out of the movie and something to eat. I think that you were the only one that wasn't glaring at me." Dillon said out loud all of a sudden. He had learned that if he remembered something that it was best to say it out loud so that other people would hear it and maybe it would jog someone's memory.

Chip smiled at what the cyborg had just said. It was true that he was the only one that wasn't trying to kill Dillon on that date with his niece as he was just there to keep everyone else from killing someone.

Chip also smiled to himself mentally when his mind went back to when Mehira had found out about what he and the other guys had done when she went on that dinner date and as such he was the only other than a slight yelling that didn't get the in major trouble.

"Maybe it was fate that you ran into Ziggy when you were trying to find Corinth." Chip told the RPM Black Ranger with a smile.

Dillon shot the older ranger a look that showed that he was convinced but wasn't convinced at the same time. He did want to believe that there was something behind meeting Ziggy out in the Wastelands that day and maybe there something like Chip had said.

"You found a friend from before Venjix, now you can look for your sister since you were able to find your teenage years friend." Chip told the cyborg as he knew just how close Dillon was to his younger sister as well as protective but that was not because of her being blind. Dillon just had an unnaturally very protective streak that was a great quality of his.

"I hope so. I have this feeling that my sister is still alive but I just wish I knew where she was." Dillon replied as he headed up back to his room.

Chip let a smile come to his face. The Yellow Mystic Force Ranger was glad that the young man that was just talking to him had not changed very much. Sure, Dillon had gotten a slight attitude issue but that was in part of him surviving in a world that feared anything that had Venjix Tech. But Dillon was still the young man who cared and was very protective of those he saw as family.

"I have a feeling that things are gonna get crazy around here." Chip said out loud to no one as he headed into the kitchen to get something to eat. The Thunder Ranger could feel that something was going to happen that would be big but didn't know what it was going to be and that when it was this type of feeling was when Chip grew concerned in many ways as something like was he was feeling would not be good or bad.

NEXT CHAPTER: Ziggy continues to train her powers when something happens with her family that no one saw coming.

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