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Ben felt funny, and not the haha kind of funny. His body was really soar, he felt something warm and wet sticking to him, and his head REALLY hurt. When Ben started to open his eyes he noticed he was moving, he tried blinking away the blurs so he could see better.
"Rook?" Ben finally managed to see clearly and looked up. Realizing he's being carried bride style by his alien partner, his face started to turn pink. "Dude put me down!"
"We are almost to my truck. Deal with it just a little longer." Turning even pinker, Ben sighed in frustration and crossed his arms. He then notices the scratch marks all over them that were slightly bleeding. "Whoa what happened? I look like I got into a fight with a paper shredder."

Rook looked at him confused. "How are paper shredders capable of fighting?" Ben rolled his eyes. "Never mind, why do I look so beat up?"
"Do you not remember? You rushed ahead to a mission before I could catch up to you."
Ben facepalmed, only to realize there was blood on his forehead too. "Oh NOW I remember. Man those guys were tough." Rook nodded. "Apparently. By the time I found you, you managed to take down the bad guys but got injured in the process. You passed out from exhaustion."

Ben sighed. "So what? Do I need to go to a hospital or something?" Rook shook his head no. "Thankfully no, the injuries are not that bad. They just need to be cleaned and bandaged." When they finally arrived at the truck Rook opened the back doors, set Ben down on the floor of the vehicle, and retrieved the first aid kit. "Honestly Ben, I wish you would have just waited for me. Then you would not have gotten so hurt."
Ben gave a small chuckle. "Well look at the bright side, I still got my omnitrix arm." He waved his left hand, only to notice the part of his arm under the omnitrix was bleeding the worst. Rook kneeled next to him and gave his partner a glare. "Ben, I DON'T find this funny."

Uh-oh, he used a contraction. Ben's in trouble now.

Rook took a calming breath. "Pardon my language. But I do not find this amusing at all Ben. You could have seriously been hurt. What if they did manage to cut off your arm? You would have most likely bled to death or been handy capped for the rest of your life because I could not get to you sooner!"
Ben could see how guilty Rook was feeling. "Dude, it's okay. I use to do this all the time with Gwen and Kevin. Gwen use to chew me out a lot for this too. If I got hurt just because I didn't wait for you then it's not your fault."

"But your grandfather trusted me to be your partner for a reason." Rook took out a cotton ball and poured a liquid on it. "This might sting." He began to clean out the injuries on Ben's arms. The human cringed from the stinging. "Yeah because you were like, the best in your class at the training academy. Only the best can work with the Ben 10!"
Rook smirked and began to bandage Ben's arm. "That is very kind of you to say Ben. Though your grandfather trusts me to make sure you do not do something idiotic or get injured badly."
Ben shrugged. "Grandpa Max can get a little over protective now and then. I don't blame him though when villains threaten to kill me every day." Rook moved to the next arm. "That must have been frightening when you were young."

"Eh, not really. It bothered me a little but after a month of it, it just got annoying. 'I will destroy you Ben Tennyson!' Six years later and I'm still standing." Rook looked up at Ben. "Interesting impersonation." Ben smiled. "Thanks! I was trying to do Animo."
After Rook finished patching up his partner, Rook drove Ben home. "I hope your parents do not worry too much about your injuries." Ben just stared out the window, looking bored. "Oh, they won't be home till tomorrow. My dad had some kind of buissness trip and my mom went with him." Rook took a quick look at Ben then turned back to the road. "They trust you being home alone?"

"Well I would hope so since I saved the universe more than once. If they can trust me to protect the earth and other planets then they should trust me being on my own for one night." Rook nodded. "True." When they arrived at Ben's home Rook parked the truck. "We are here. I will see you tomorrow." He looked at Ben, noticing he wasn't unbuckling at all or attempting to leave the truck. "Ben?"

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