Yukiatsu x Jintan

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I can't forgive myself... To be in love with someone else, right after Menma disappears. I'm such a horrible person. Shouldn't I be sad that she's gone again, but... I can't stop thinking about him. Hes taken every thought of mine that I have no time to think about Menma anymore. He was also in love with Menma, so he wouldn't be over her anyway. He's obviously straight anyway, but I thought I was straight too, until I started thinking about him non-stop. Man, I wish I could talk to someone about him. It would be so much easier if someone told me what I should do, but... who?

Who could I talk to about Yukiatsu?

What about Popo? No way! He's totally straight and it would be really weird. Hm... Anaru? No, she was in love with me. Didn't Yukiatsu hit on her too? No way I could ask her. Tsuruko? No... She's in love with Yukiatsu, but she knows so much about him. That would be too mean to ask her though. Hm... This relationship wouldn't help a lot of people. I should just go out with Anaru and let Yukiatsu go out with Tsuruko, but I can't let him go. I feel like I should try. What happens if he rejects me? It's not like anything would change though. He would just start ignoring me again like before Menma came.

"Jinta? Jinta? Jinta!" Anaru starts screaming in my ear. I snap my head too glare at her.

"What!" I yell back getting on my feet to stand taller than her. Why can't I just love her? She's pretty and nice when she's not around those slutty friends of hers.

"School's over you baka! You were just sitting there like you were actually thinking or something," Anaru laughs darkly covering her grin with the back of her hand.

"Oh, thanks..." I trail off ignoring her insult. Should I ask her? I glance over at her friends for a second before looking back at my childhood friend. "Hey, Anaru?" I ask her using her childish nickname. She looks at me a little mad that I would use that in public, but stops her protest when she looks at my serious face. "Can I talk to you privately? Without your friends..." I trail off nodding to the two girls waiting at the door looking very bored.

"Ah... Sure. Hey, Haruna? Aki? Can I meet with you guys later?" Anaru asks with a shy smile to her friends as if she was afraid they would eat her.

"Whaaaa, why Naruko? You promised that you would go shopping with us!" Haruna whines while twirling her brown locks. She pouts slightly when Anaru gives her an innocent, but pleading look. Haruna flips her hair while she turns around and walks out of the classroom with Aki following at her heels. High heels if I might add.

"What did you want to ask me about?" Anaru asks with a raised eyebrow when she sees my nervous look. We walk into the court yard in silence as I try to built enough confidence to ask. "You can ask me anything, Jinta," Anaru encourages with a bright smile. Crap, how can I tell her now? Maybe she already got over me...

"Um... I was wondering if you could help me, like give me some advice?" I ask looking down on my shuffling feet. I started now, so I might as well finish it. "You see... I kind of fallen hard for someone and I don't know what to do..." I trailed off when I noticed that Anaru stopped walking. "Anaru?" I ask looking back at my friend.

Anaru is staring at the ground with her fists clenched as if she was in pain. Damn, I knew I should have just kept my mouth shut. Gah, I'm so selfish! She suddenly looks up at me with a deep breath escaping her lips. "Who is Jinta in love with now?" Anaru teases with an unexpected smirk.

I gape at her for a couple seconds before my face turns to a light pink. Crap, couldn't she have just yelled at me, made me comfort her and make me fall in love with her? It would have been so much easier for me, but at least she got over me. "Um... Urm... Th-That's... It's... Uh... Please, don't criticize me or look at me disgusted," I plead looking at her with scared eyes. Gosh, I hope she doesn't think I'm disgusting for loving another guy.

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