Kirishima x Bakugou

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Hello everyone! Sorry for not posting been busy with school. Enjoy

Studying is important.
Acing these exams is fuckin important.
Just once, Bakugou would like to come out on top in that bloody class.
Above Momo.
Above Iida.
Gritting his teeth, Bakugou stared at his page. The words swam around, blurred together, jumbled up, did everything except make fuckin sense.

"For fucks SAKE!" Bakugou shouted, slamming his fist into the concrete wall behind his desk.

The walls lining his bedroom used to be made of normal plaster, but as Bakugou grew up, his mother was forced to have them reinforced with concrete as he was punching too many holes.

The sound of his own shout drowned out his phone as it buzzed momentarily, but the light of the screen caught his attention from the corner of his eye.
He picked it up, grumbling an endless succession of curses.

Shitty Hair:
wanna go 4 a run? boreddddd

Bakugou sighed, dragging his fingers through his hair. Kirishima was about the only person he could tolerate these days, annoying as he is. Something about the flamboyant red head made his company, dare he say, enjoyable. He wasn't afraid of Bakugou's outbursts, and never looked at him like he was a war zone, or a tragedy just waiting to happen.

For these reasons, and the fact he was fuckin done with rereading that same useless page, he sent back a short confirmation text.


When Bakugou arrived at the start of their favourite route, he spotted Kirishima, crouched down, hunched over something with his back to Bakugou.
Bakugou rose a single eyebrow, approaching him and, with a nudge of his shoe, announced his arrival.

Kirishima jumped, pulling himself to his feet, the reason for his distraction immediately catching Bakugou's eye.

On a bright red leash attached to Kirishima's wrist, there was a large, honey coloured dog, it's tongue hanging out of the side of it's mouth as it panted.

"This is Yuri.. My mom rescued him from the pound yesterday." Kirishima, his voice uncharacteristically uncertain, like he was waiting for Bakugou to announce bad news or some shit.

"Cool. He better keep up." Bakugou muttered, looking away from the dog and down the path of their route.

Kirishima visibly relaxed, his usual lazy grin returning to his face as he too turned to the track.

"You betcha! He'd be quicker than you man!" he laughed, beginning to jog.

Bakugou scoffed, breaking into a sprint, passing Kirishima and Yuri with ease. Yuri immediately went mental, tugging hard against the lead until Kirishima began to sprint too, racing to catch up.


After running for about 20 minutes, Yuri was panting heavily and came to an abrupt stop, the leash yanking and forcing Kirishima to halt alongside him. Bakugou skidded on the dirt slightly before turning to face them.

"He done?" he huffed, planting his hands on his knees as he too began panting.

Kirishima glanced between his dog and Bakugou, a grin growing larger as he realized they were panting in unison with eachother. Before long, he was laughing uncontrollably, wheezing at the pair.

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