Ban x Meliodas 3

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Drunk, he was drunk every night for the past week. Stumbling up the steps every night, drunk. Ban watched every night as Meliodas drank and drank every night. He drank most of the alcohol and was giving away their money for it. King and Diane had stopped trying to talk Meliodas out of it as it was no use, even Elizabeth gave it up. Ban was yet to try.

"Meliodas... Meliodas!" Ban shouted through the small pub as he made his way down the small flight of stairs, he was met by the sight of Meliodas guzzling down a bottle of Vanya village ale. Great, Ban thought as he strode closer and pulled the bottle from Meliodas' mouth.

"What the hell are you doing!" Meliodas shouted, making a grab from the already half empty bottle although failing as ban pulled it up out of reach.

"Why do you keep on drinking? Huh.. stop" Ban spat as he looked at the anger that started to boil on Meliodas face and his eyes turned into little creases. If looks could kill Ban would be dead.

"It doesn't matter, just give me it" Meliodas answered, with a harsh, cold tone. He was now stood on the bar, swaying from side to side yet his eyes glued to an in defiance.

"Ban. Give it." Meliodas spoke, his bright green eyes fixed on Ban's blood red eyes. Meliodas made a disorientated reach for the ale yet failed as Ban grabbed his hip and held him tight to his chest. Meliodas small fists banged on the large broad back and kicked his tiny feet into Ban's thigh

"Let me go! Let me go!" Meliodas cried out while shaking his head from side to side, flicking his long blonde locks in Ban's face. He was having a full on tantrum. Just like a child.

"No, now stop with your little temper tantrum" Ban retorted and increased his grip on Meliodas' waist. The small boy stopped as he processed the fact he could not escape the arms that bound him. Breathing heavily he relaxed and slumped into the warm chest as his head drooped.

"What's up with you, I mean the alcohol, your tantrum. What's bothering you?" Ban questioned, his tone was softer and contained no harshness to his voice. Suddenly something Ban was not expecting to happen happened, Meliodas began to cry. Salty tears flowed down Meliodas' soft face and rolled off his chin. Ban frowned and put the bottle down on the bar and wrapped his now free arm around the boy now crying onto his shoulder.

"Hey, sshh it's ok, it's ok" Ban soothed tracing a hand down the boys back. After a few minutes the crying subsided and the boys breathing became calmer. Ban moved to one of the many benches and sat with Meliodas sitting on one of his knees. Ban brought his sleeve to Meliodas' red and puffy eyes and wiped away a few stray tears that rested on his puffy cheeks.

"What's wrong" Ban soothed "You can tell me."

Still quite horse Meliodas began speaking "This week is the same week my sin took place, today is the same day Danafor fell, when Liz died."

It was clear to Ban now, the drink had always been Liz's favourite. He was reliving his sin. Ban held him closer and kissed the top of his head as tears began to appear in his eyes once more. Ban held him close and whispered words of comfort to the weeping boy.

"Come on, lets stop this silly drinking, Liz wouldn't want it" Ban whispered picking up the small boy he cradled him in his arms and carried him bridal style up the stairs and to his room. He placed him in the soft covers on wiped away his tears.

"If you were upset about that you should have turned to one of us, told us, You shouldn't turn to drink." Ban informed, his hand still running through the boys hair as the bright green eyes drooped shut and his breathing became even.

That same night he went down and locked away all Vanya ale in a small cupboard and twisted a key, after he headed back up to the bedroom and laid down next to the sleeping boy.

"Goodnight little one."

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