Ban x Meliodas 4

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He was running through darkness. Darkness, death, destruction was chasing him. His small legs ran as fast as he could, his blonde hair whipping in the wind as he ran up a broken path. Fear painted his young features as his emerald eyes were wide and his mouth slightly open. He sprinted up the mountain path to stop suddenly, he was greeted by a giant black hole yet many people stood. From elders to toddlers all stood in a group, their faces were deathly pale and looked warn. They are the people of Danafor. They are dead.

"You did this!" Shouted a young boy no more than twelve, his face was twisted in anger as his curly brown hair drooped over his ice blue eyes.

"Its your fault!" An old man hammered, his face also twisted in anger as his white brows were furrowed into a line.

"Were dead because of you!" A young woman screamed, more shouts of anger flooded over Meliodas as he stood there and took the hurtful words. Every single one. It crashed onto him like a wave of pain and engulfed him, he was drowning in pain. He was drowning is his sin.

"No... No, I... I didn't.. no, no" he muttered, he shook his head as he tossed his head from side to side, tossing his head from side to side. At this Ban woke up, his red eyes fluttered opened as his blood red eyes squinted. He swished his head to the side and studied the small blonde haired boy tossing and turning.

"Meliodas, Meliodas" Ban asked, he frowned when he heard no reply and began to sit up and gently shook Meliodas' shoulders. At this Meliodas woke up shooting up and almost hitting Ban square in the jaw. He was drenched in sweat and fat tears trickled down his cheeks as he shook with fear and was breathing hard. Ban quickly pulled Meliodas onto his lap and hugged him close as Meliodas cried, all the while he whispered soothing and comforting words to the small boy sobbing into his chest.

After a few minutes the sobs subsided into small sniffs.

"Hey, shh it's ok. I'm here" Ban continued saying while reaching his hand to Meliodas small cheek and wiping away a few stray tears.

"What was that nightmare?, you can tell me" Ban spoke while still running a soothing hand down his back and rocked slightly.

"Ban" Meliodas whimpered as a new wave of tears came from being reminded of the nightmare, he was safe with ban and he knew this but he was still scared. Ban held him close yet reached out to the royal blue blanket that had fell on the floor, he picked it up and wrapped Meliodas up in it. Meliodas snuggled into the blanket he was happy for the extra warmth. His tears once again settled and rolled off his face. Ban scooped up Meliodas so he was lying bridal style in one of Bans arms and he had a candle in the other, he pushed the door to their room open and headed down the flight of stairs still cradling Meliodas.

Once Ban reached the bottom he deposited the candle on one of the tables and went round the bar and began to heat up some milk. He took a seat with Meliodas still cradled in his arms like a baby.

"Ban.. I saw the people of Danafor, they say I killed them. There all dead and it's my fault" Meliodas whispered his dream to Ban and Ban only held him closer.

" Hey, it's not your fault. You didn't do this, it was just a nightmare, it was just a nightmare" Ban soothed running a hand through Meliodas' messy blonde hair. Ban stood up with Meliodas in his arm and reached for the warmed milk which he sat back down and gave the cup to the small boy now sitting in his Meliodas drank Ban thought back to Elaine, he loved her and he had a chance to resurrect her if he had killed the small boy in is lap. He almost had. What was he thinking? His guilt was now tugging at him as he pulled Meliodas even closer.

"Ban, I'm done" Meliodas spoke with a yawn he slumped against Ban and placed the cup on the bar. Ban stood up and headed back upstairs with Meliodas snuggled into his chest.

Ban lay down on the bed which had now turned quite cold and gathered Meliodas so he was snuggled onto his bare chest.

" Meliodas, do you know when we were taking the kingdom?" Ban questioned frowning,

"Yes, why?" Meliodas replied

"It's just, when I attacked you because I thought it would bring back Elaine, I never apologized. I'm sorry" Ban answered

"It's ok, I know why you did it and I don't blame you, you loved her and lost her. I'm sorry for your loss." Meliodas responded and sighed and buried his face closer to Bans chest.

"Thank you Meliodas, for everything" Ban responded, finally allowing himself to relax and realize he was loved. He had something to live for and it would always stick by him. He had a family. Meliodas, King, Diane, Gother, Elizabeth and master ( hawk, he just called him master.) They were his family and they were just like him, they had all lost someone important, they were all damaged. But they were his family, they always would be.

Closing his eyes Ban leaned back into the pillow and began to drift off into a peaceful sleep knowing he was loved.

Clutching Meliodas he whispered " Goodnight, little one. I love you."

"Love you too" came a small whisper only Ban could hear.

They both fell asleep smiling.

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