The public Officially knows you are adopted

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You were going to an Avengers event, so people could meet their favorite heroes.

Tony got up on the stage and addressed the people.

"Alright people, first things first, we are all honored to be part of this. I speak for every one of us, the Avengers, when I say that I love every single one of you."

The audience cheers.

"Now would our newest member like to address the people at their first official Avengers event as a part of the team?"

"Yes, I would like to."

"Does the audience want you to?"

The audience cheers and claps.

You take the microphone and clear your throat.

"Thanks, Dad."

The audience murmured in what seems to be confusion.

"Oh yeah, I can't believe he didn't tell you, he adopted me, so now I am his child and if any dirtbags wanna hurt my Dad, I'm gonna kick your ass, cause no one's touching my Dad." You say.

The audience cheers and applauds at what you said.

"How do you feel about being adopted by Tony Stark?"

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"How do you feel about being adopted by Tony Stark?"

"I am happy that I finally have a family."

"What about the other Avengers?"

"They are very happy for me. They are also part of my family."

Then some blonde chick with ugly eyebrows stood up and asked, "We all know why you said yes to his offer to adopt you. Wasn't it because He's a famous billionaire? Wasn't it so you could have everything you want handed to you? Are you not ashamed?"

You started tearing up.

"Excuse me. I have to go." You said through gritted teeth.

You ran to the bathroom and looked at yourself in the mirror. Is that what you are in the eyes of the people?

After a minute, you came out and Tony was there. He hugged you as you choked out your last sobs and tears.

"Let's go tell her off." You said to him in a confident voice.

You walk back on stage and grabbed the mic.

"No, I'm not ashamed. I chose to be with him because he has always been there for me. They all have. Now, my family and I have some celebrating to do."

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