Reading Steve's diary

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The Avengers were going on a mission and you had to stay home because you were still recovering from your recent surgery. Bucky was also staying home, because they were going to a HYDRA base and didn't want to lose him.

You asked him if he wanted to play a board game with you. He declined, saying he'd be in his room if you needed anything. You assumed he'd be jacking off or something, so you didn't bother him.

You get bored and decide to do some snooping. You go into Steve's room. The floors and ceilings aren't soundproof like the walls, and Bucky's room is right above Steve's. You hear very heavy and shaky breathing from upstairs. He's totally jacking off.

You saw a diary and decided to read it.

I was woke up in a completely different world than before. Some creepy guy was really into me, and I visited Peggy. She's dead now.

I lost my virginity to Sharon Carter. She is something. She's just like Peggy. Strong and beautiful. I love her. We're dating now. I hope we can be together forever.

Sharon broke up with me. I don't know how to feel about this. I'm heartbroken. She never really loved me. She just wanted me for who is was, not for who I am. She's nothing like Peggy. Peggy loved me.

I became an Avenger. I saved the world. There's... Not much else to say

Tony threw a party to celebrate our victory. Of course he got drunk. But something happened. He kissed me. He like, kissed me, kissed me. He made out with me. And I went with it. What was I doing?

We woke up next to each other that morning.

You decided it was time to stop. You went into your room. You laid on the bed and thought about your life. You were definitely scarred.

Cass jumped on your bed and put a paw on your shoulder.

He's such a good boy.

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