Valentine's day (CUTEEEEE)

565 21 5

On Valentine's day, everyone at school tries to impress you.

They give you gifts and chocolates and flowers in hopes of gaining your affection.

How do you thank them?

With a hug and a kiss on the cheek. You swear every one of them walks away with hearts in their eyes.

One particularly memorable one was when you were walking down the street on Valentine's day and a little boy, about 3 years old, came up to you holding a common flower and asked, "will you be my ballentimes, miss hero? im your biggest fan!"

You started to tear up just because it was so cute. You took the flower from him and told him, "Of course, handsome."

You bent down to his level and held your arms out. He came and hugged you. You hugged him back and kissed his cheek. He smiled and giggled like the toddler he was.

You held his hand while you were looking for his Mama.

You found her and he looked up at you.

"Thanks for being my ballentimes, miss hero! I love you!" He said.

"No problem, handsome. Keep it up, and you might become a hero yourself!"

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