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It was summer and you were taking a walk in the park with the rest of the Avengers.

But since it was summer, that meant teenagers. And that meant Avengers fangirls.

"Oh. My. Gosh. It's the Avengers!" One said. You all smiled and waved at them.

Then, a screeching group of girls and one boy came running at you.

Soon you were crowded with teenagers eager to get the Avengers' attention

"Steve... Help..." Bucky said. He looked like he was going to have a panic attack.

Steve hugged him and stroked his hair. You heard cameras clicking and Bruce yelling, "YOU'RE ON YOUR OWN!" as he ran off with a group of fans chasing him.

You and everyone else managed to get away from the fans, however, upon returning home you found your socks had come off through your shoes.

"Just another day."

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