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??? Pov:

She's so pretty, I just watched her walk through the entrance of the school. I'd noticed her at the grocery store about a week or so ago, picking up milk and other various foods. Yes, I might have followed her home. but, that was so I could find her again and hopefully make her mine. She has something about her that just makes her different from other girls. Was it the poorly covered bruised and other marks? I don't know. All I know is that I have to make her mine.

Y/n's pov:

You had ran up to the school, bangtan high school. You were just a freshman, you just moved too, you had no idea what you were doing. You had no friends to help you either, you just moved. 'If I didn't move would I have friends?' You thought to yourself. 'Probably not, I had always been alone. Nothing is going to change.' You frowned to yourself.

You looked over to a bench with a handsome young man right before you walked into the foreign building. 'Probably just suprised at how ugly I am. Or did he see through my foundation?! I really hope not the second one. . .' you went to find your locker but gotten lost a bit so, you asked this tall handsome man with a few girls talking and obviously flirting with him.

He had broad shoulders, plump lips, and pretty pink hair. In short you could tell he was a fuckboy. You walked up to him and tapped his shoulder, earning a few glares from the girls, except one. You thought that was kind of strange. "Hey do you know where locker number 106 is?"

His smile was very pretty, you couldnt help but get butterflies. "Yes of course, looks like we're gonna be locker neighbors!" He stated which startled you a bit.

"Wait really? Wouldnt that um... Bother your fangirls over there?" You asked once they left, pointing in their direction. Kind of nervous about being close to their crush, they seemed dangerous.

"Yeah, they listen to me and the other 6 guys they swoon over." He said, holding his shoulders high with a smirk on his face. It kinda bothered you that he seemed so proud to have a mini army of girls ready to tear anyone to pieces. "What are you waiting for? Let's go locker neighbor!" He exclaimed with a big smile on his face. He seemed too friendly. But, you followed him anyways, you needed to find your locker.

Time skip

"See look, I'm locker number 105, you... What's your name?" He laced his brows together scratching his head.

"O-oh. . . I'm y/n." You stuttered out.

"Okay, nice name y/n," he smiled. He reminded you of people's mothers when you'd meet them, "you, y/n, are 106, and 107 is my friend groups maknae, Jeon Jungkook. I'd love for you to meet him. I think you'd get along nicely. You both give off the same vibe."

"What vibe is that?" You asked.

"You both are cute. I-Im not gay. . . B-but you know. . ." he stuttered seemingly not sure of what he said. You ignored it. Maybe hes just unsure of his sexuality, "a-and you both just seem cool and happy but shy at first. He's really good at a lot of things. Um. . . do you have hobbies?" He asked, trying to keep the conversation going. It was filling with awkwardness.

"Um. . . I like writing poems and drawing. Im not good at either but I like to do it." You felt awkward. He seemed to glow with happiness anyway. This made you flustered and blush, wanting to hide it. You looked down at your feet.

"Let's head to class, hm?" He started walking off into an unknown direction.

"Do we even have the same class?" You ran to catch up with him.

"Yeah I took a peek at your schedule. You have a lot with Kookie, by the way."

"Who's that?" You followed him into a classroom, room 209. Your first class.

"Thats Jungkook. He's right here!" He ruffled some kids hair, earning a glare. "Uhh. . . Wrong kid."

"Hyung I'm over here." You saw the owner of the voice, he rolled his eyes.

"Thats Jungkook" he pointed this time.

"Who's the girl." Jungkook asked.

"This is y/n. That reminds me, y/n, I'm Seokjin, but most people call me Jin." He bent down to your ear," but if you're lucky, I'll let you call me Daddy," he whispered with a wink.

You quickly took a seat so he didnt see your blush, right next to Jungkook. "Dont mind the fuckboy, he flirts with everyone. I'll make sure he stops tho. Dont worry, y/n." Then the bell rang and the teacher stepped into the classroom.

"Hello, class has started so that means you need to stop flirting SeokJin. Especially with the teatchers daughter." The teacher stated.

"Sorry, Appa. I was just telling him to stop."

"Good, Lisa. Now I'd hope youd respect her and stop flirting Jin." He looked at him coldly.

"Yes sir." Jin said lookimg back at his desk.

You could feel Jungkooks stare placed apon you. All of class you couldn't pay attention because of his stare, it felt like lasers pointed directly at your head. Then you saw a hand place a peice of paper on your desk. You looked at it.

'Here y/n. Id like you to have this.

(###-###-####)- Jk <3'

Time skip

Its now lunch time. You had to think about where to sit, maybe youd sit by the dumpsters. Thats where your dad would want you. You thought, you felt a tap on your shoulder. "Yes?"

"Id like it if you'd sit by me and the rest of the Bangtan boys." He said flashing a bunny smile.

"Um. . . okay Jungkook. I'll sit with you." His face gotten serious.

"Really?" He stared at you.

"Sure, got nowhere else to sit." You said sadly.

"Okay then, let's go!" He said happily running to the cafeteria with you trailing behind him.

This is going to be an intresting school year. You thought to yourself

Word count: 1030💜

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