Chapter 3: The light in the dark

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The dark room was as hot as a furnace. Zayn was awake the entire boiling night, thinking about his twin. Was she really the one and only who could overpower the King of Hell?

He shifted from side to side until the crack of dawn ripped through the night sky. The restless night made him crave standing on his feet. Zayn slid his legs from under the blanket to the side of the bed, then placed his feet on the cold, bleak, marble floor, before curling up on the side of his bed to put his head in his hands.

Why can't I get her out of my head? She deserves it after being the protected puppy she has been ever since birth. Zayn thought, yet regretted his hatred as he remembered that none of this was Athena's fault, but their father's.

He stood up to stretch his arms, as he glanced out his glass wall, overlooking Abyssus.

Look at this miserable sh*t hole.

Outside his window he could see the lost souls of Limbo wondering through the land and whaling like banshees, looking for their loved ones. Poverty. Crime. Plague. All that is black and broken surrounded the Amber Palace, scraping on the dirty gravel lit on fire.

The sky was an intense shade of bright orange intoxicated with coal black clouds and continuous explosions of lava and fire. The representation of a living nightmare. This was hell.

I wanted to prove myself for so long, to show him that I deserved to live in "luxury" within his palace walls, that I was worthy. Now all I want to do is escape this suffocating prison. Zayn thought to himself. He reflected on the kind of person he had become for years, all he ever wanted was his father's love, protection and acceptance. Being why he became so ruthless and cruel.

He walked to the en-suit bathroom, connected to the right of his room, to look at himself in the mirror. His beautiful golden eyes turned to bright burning amber fire, his skin began to crack and melt. He began to scream before letting a belevelant smile creep through. 'If I am known as the prince of hell I might as well act like it' he told himself.

'My, my, my... what do we have here? Did somebody have a bad dream?' Hecate said, with a teasing giggle.

Zayn's face restored to it's normal form as he turned to face his father's girlfriend.

'Get out.' He demanded.

'Why? I just came to talk to you. Am I not allowed to have a little conversation with my "step son"?' She asked, while walking further into the room and shutting the door behind her.

She wore a black silk night dress with a grey gown, also made out of silk, on top. The gown was untied, and had slipped off one of her shoulders relieving her soft skin and the thin strap of her low cut nightdress barely covering her cleavage.

Hecate was a captivating witch, with the features and everlasting youth of a porcelain doll. Her jet black hair and crystal like grey eyes could take anyone's breath away, while her pale, flawless skin blessed any room with a soft touch, yet her looks are only a camouflage for the rage, bitterness and overflowing power she holds within her.

Igneous had captured and kept her locked away for hundreds of years due to her abilities, yet she managed to make him fall for her in order to save herself, falling for him too in the process. She slowly regained her freedom, becoming his partner in the eyes of the people of Abyssus, she was their Queen, yet within the palace walls she was still his hostage, forced to serve him. She was much younger than him, yet his power attracted her to him as she grew closer, only to then be pushed away by his anger and rage.

'Don't ever call me step-son. In fact, don't speak to me at all, you are the devil's incarnate'.

'Awww, thank you! Just like you, and your father, and this hell hole you call home.' Her tone changed from forced sweetness to pure disgust as she dropped herself on his bed.

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