Chapter 5: Gemeni

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She felt herself wake up, and slowly get morbidly terrified by seeing darkness, accompanied with the literal feeling of breathing through a cloth. It didn't take her long to realise that she had a bag over her head. I mean who was this guy? And what did he want with her? And then the penny slowly dropped, or at least she believed it to have. This must have had something to do with the family nonsense, it just must have. Why else would some random person kidnap her. But why haven't this happened before, why now? Do her parents know? Was it them? She began to breathe more heavily, feeling the claustrophobia she was diagnosed with as a child kick in violently.

TAKE THIS BAG OFF MY FACE! She screamed as she tried to kick whatever seat was in-front of her, but she didn't have much luck with anything besides injuring her own leg.

The person who had kidnapped her just quietly drove. He didn't speak a word to her, and didn't even feel like he was worried about the fact that she was screaming and fidgeting in the back seat. This terrified her.

What the hell do you want from me you psycho?! She demanded to know, but once again, he drove silent and unbothered.

The care abruptly came to a dead stop as the driver hit the breaks. The driver side door seemed to open as he jumped out and slammed it.

That's it, he's going to kill me. And I don't even know why, I didn't even do anything. She panicked more and more, as she tried to breathe but wasn't able to do much besides hyperventilate, which made her feel like she was about to pass out.

She quickly thought of a plan. It's a bit risky but it might just work. When she was about 13, her father decided it was time for her to know self defence. She remembered one particular lesson that stood out to her, which is how to bring a man to the bring when he's holding you by your tied hands behind you. It's a pretty specific lesson but her very cautious dad might have just saved her life.

She waited anxiously for him to open the car door, which he did after what seemed like she was ravaging through his bag. As she had anticipated, he grabbed her by the tie of her wrists to her her out, she waited until he had brought her out to her feet before she stepped on his toes with one foot while sneaked the other between her legs to kick him where it hurts. Once in a weakened position, she managed to get her leg behind him and push him down to the ground with all her power.

Her hand ties became loose and she managed to untie them before grabbing the bag and pulling it off her face.

She looked around, realising that she was in the middle of a forest, possibly the one she lives in, but not in a part that she was familiar with. She looked down and what she saw next horrified her.

You're the guy from the coffee shop...

She quickly realised that he's not hurting as much, so she brought her knee to his chest and pressed as hard as she could.


He moaned and grunted, trying to gasp for air. This made Ivory angry, he was insane.

Let. Me. Explain.

He struggled to speak. She was terrified that he might hurt her so she pressed harder. This in turn, made his hand fly up toward her to try and stop her from suffocating him, for all she knew however, he was a stalker who was obsessed with her and wanted to lock her in a basement or bunker and smell her hair.

When his hand flew up, however, the veins on his forearm began to fill with a black like liquid, and vibrate, violently. She watched this in horror, and she felt the shake begin in her own arm. She backed off his chest and it heated and shook more violently. She backed up to a point where she fell off him and onto the ground.

He looked as if he could control it a little better then she could, managing to stand up on his own two feet. He reached his hand out to hers, however, as soon as her fingers his palm, a powerful force, as if it was a strong collision of the same magnetic pole, threw the two over 3 feet away from each other.

They were both shocked for a moment, looking at each other almost three feet away, gobsmacked. Then ivory remembered how she got in the middle of this forest, and in the matter of second, she got up and ran.

She ran like she had never ran before, faster than ever. She didn't even know what to make of that confusing encounter. He goes to her school for Christ sake, how is she going to be able to go back there.

Ivory, Ivory wait!

How the fuck does he know my name? Did I even tell him my name?

Please stop running. I needed to speak to you, and I had to make sure you would listen. It's about who you are. Who you really are!

That stopped her dead in her tracks. What did he mean by that. How could he possibly know anything about her.

He stopped behind her, not daring to come any closer.

I'm so sorry about scaring you, I didn't mean to scare you.

This bitch. She said to herself in a low tone.

She turned to face in his direction.

You kidnapped me, put a bag over my head and drove me to the middle of no where. What the fuck do you mean you didn't mean to scare me, boy?!

Ok I know how crazy this sounds, but I had to get you to listen, and it had to be away from anyone's eyes or ears. He said, attempting to walk a little closer to her, but she wasn't having it.

Don't you dare step any closer to me or I'll throw a rock at your forehead!

Okay. Okay. Just listen. This is going to sound fucking insane. But you have to know. Your parents are not who they say they are. Your whole life has been a lie, because for 18 years your life has been normal... and you and me, were not normal. We're no where near normal.

No shit shirlock.

He rolled his eyes.

How do you know any of this?

Because I've been raised with the knowledge. You need to listen to me. There's a powerful man, he's going to try to come after you, you need to stay away from him for as long as you can. You do not want more than a biological relationship with him, do you understand me?

Hearing those words, Ivory was confused, what did he mean, more than biological? Who was this guy talking about, why was he giving her a warning.

He's the reason why we can meet in public. Stay hidden okay.

I... okay I guess...

Good, see you around, gemeni.


And with that, he clapped his hand and she opened her eyes back in her room. She knew she hadn't have possibly dreamed the whole thing. She's one hundred percent certain it happened and she had the rope-burn on her wrists to prove it. But who would she tell.

Just as she asked herself that question, she heard the distinctive roar of mommy and daddy's engine outside the manor.

She rushed to the window and watched her mother and father grab their suitcases and prepare to walk through the door, as her father looked up at her, and their eyes met. Immediately, she felt the seriousness in the way he looked at her, she knew they were about to have a long, honest, conversation.

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