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"EZ, pass me the remote real quick, I want to talk to you both for a second. Come closer Nunu." my daddy said as he paused the movie we were watching. It was very late at night and none of us were able to go to sleep, so we were up watching movies. I snuggled closer to him and looked up at him.

"What's the matter daddy?" Emaja asked him as she placed her hands under her chin. He looked really lost in thought. There was a brief moment of silence before he spoke, and for a second I thought we were in trouble or something. "Daddy?..."

"You guys aren't in trouble, don't worry. I just wanted to level with the both of you. You both are my world, and I will continue to do everything in my power to protect you both... I wanted to apologize for any mistakes I've made, anywhere I wasn't able to fill... You both are so wise for your age and honestly I am blessed." he said looking at each one of us as he spoke. He was a very wise man, and he always spoke the truth, it's almost as if he spoke with his soul anytime he opened his mouth. Emaja and I looked at each other trying to figure out where what he was saying was coming from, but we couldn't come up with anything.

"Daddy, why are you talking like that?... Are you okay?" I asked him with a bit of a worry in my voice.

"I'm fine baby, there's no need to worry. I just... felt as though I needed to remind you both how important it is to keep each other close. You guys only have each other, no matter what happens I need you both to promise me something." he continued with tears forming in his eyes.

"Of course daddy, anything you want!" Emaja said getting closer to him on his other side. He took a deep breath to calm himself before he spoke.

"Whatever happens... whether it's with me or anything else-- promise to never ever leave one another behind. No matter what happens, you both are sisters and always will be, never give up on each other okay? I want you both to promise me that, can you do that for me?" he asked the both of us with a small smile. Emaja and I looked at each other, linked our pinkies, and smiled.

"We promise daddy." we said in unison and he smiled. We kissed the back of our hands to seal the promise and he pulled us tighter. He kissed us both on the forehead and a tear fell from his eye.

"I love you both." he whispered.

"We love you too daddy." we both said as he pressed play on the remote, and the movie continued to play.


I had no words...

Do not disturb was the mode I was on for the hours that followed. I didn't want to talk to Emaja, I was going to ignore Shakoor, I was not trying to be seen or heard whatsoever. Things were getting worse by the minute, and I was getting real tired of it all. I made no effort to try and get into the bedroom to sleep. After Emaja stormed off and slammed the door, I knocked over the glass she tried drinking from, and it shattered into multiple pieces on the ground. All that was happening was way too much for my head. I took my phone out of my pocket and threw it on the carpet, took off my clothes and threw them on the side of the couch, and I laid on the couch in my panties and bra. I put my hand behind my neck and closed my eyes, but they quickly shot back open after I felt a cut-- going right across.


God knew how long it took before I fell asleep. All night long, I was tossing and turning on the couch. The chase replayed so vividly in my head over and over, to the point where it felt like it was happening all over again. At one point, I couldn't open my eyes and I was fighting myself, and when they did open, I was on the living room floor... gasping for air as if I got choked...

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