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A flower can die in many, many ways.


The flower dries out

And then you'll think
Let the flower drink some water!
But the flower doesn't own the water can
And the moment it asks for something
Because it's so thirsty
They'll think it's selfish, find it annoying
When a flower dries out it isn't considered beautiful anymore
So the moment it will let anyone know it's thirsty
The moment it dares to hang it's head
To bow down in order to try to rest
They'll just throw it away
And replace it for a plastic flower
Because they don't need attention


The flower get's trampled

Someone is giving the field of flowers water
And while trying to reach every one of them
The person accidentally steps uppon it
Then tries to cover it up, fix the flower
Tries to smooth the leaves
To crack the steal back so it's straight again
And when after the 6th try the steel finally breaks down completely
The human sighs deep
Actually feels bad
But the next day the flower's forgotten
Thrown onto the compost heap
Waiting to be served to the other flowers


The flower drowns

The one who cares for the flower
Doesn't even know how to do it
He doesn't know that flowers need to be on a spot where there's shadow as well as sun
So he places it in the full heat
Not realising that sometimes
Even flowers need a little darkness
Because the light can be too overwhelming
The flower get's thirsty
It's leaves start to get yellow and it wants to rest on the ground
But the flower can't rest
Because the carer has attached it to a stick
That's taped to the side of the flowerpot
An the stick holds the poor flower in place
But the carer starts to realise he must be doing something wrong
He looks on the internet
And finds out the flower needs water
And he wants to make it up to the flower, all the water it didn't get
So he gives it a whole bucket full
But it's too much
The tape that holds the stick in place comes lose because of the water that floods over the edges
And the flower falls down
So there it lies, soaking wet
Without a sign of life
And the carer feels bad for a long time
But then finds a new flower to help
And tries it again


The flower gets eaten

It saw it coming from far away
But flowers can't run
They don't have legs
The cow comes closer and closer
The flower sees it's peers getting ripped out of the ground
Sometimes they get bitten in half leaving the roots and part of the steel in the ground
It's horrible to see
First The flower panicked because it was going to die
It tried to pull it's roots out of the ground in order to get away
But then a beetle spoke to it
It told the flower that the cow needs to live
Because the cow gives humans meat and milk
Flowers give humans nothing
And the flower agreed
It died shortly after


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